Sunday, June 21, 2009

World's Greatest Father...

Showing off their toothpicks...:o)
Very often I'm reminded of how wonderful my husband is and I'm so thankful that I prayed that I would marry the 'right one' for me. I remember it vividly, getting down on my knees and telling God I was through with 'going with' boys--I didn't want anyone else until the right one came along. Well my husband called the next evening! :o) I was pretty apprehensive at first because I was like, 'so soon, Lord?' I really didn't think it was him because I had just prayed. We dated for 3.5 years (and never broke up during that time) and got married as soon as he graduated from college and had a job lined up. I've watched God 'grow him up' into the man he is today and he is the most wonderful Father to our 3 (almost 4) children. He and I share the same desires for our children and for our marriage. God has put us on the 'same page', so to speak, and for that I'm so thankful. It saves arguments, I'm sure. His and my parenting styles are in sync and the children are aware of this. They respect their dad and know that his word stands. He always takes time to single each one out for a few moments of fun. My youngest is constantly asking about Dad during the day. He already idolizes his dad. I have seen some Dads my husband's age that I personally wanted to jerk around a few times but my husband has been the example of a father that fits the mold that I think Christ desires for each family. Here are a few adjectives to describe my husband, my children's father:
Consistent Disciplinarian
Dedicated to our Family and most of all to God
Humorous (definitely a plus as a father)
Teacher of God's word and Spiritual Leader
Very Patience (he NEVER gets upset at the amt of work 3 kids incur--sometimes he will get all 3 kids out of the van for me, including opening my door.....he always helps out with the kids without complaining)
Faithful to our family
Very Intelligent (he has been called a 'brain')
Even-tempered (I have NEVER seen him get really upset--he is very calm and cool) :)
Musically Talented and Talented Story Teller (the kids beg him to tell them stories)
and last, but not least....Handsome! :o)

Happy Father's Day to my husband! I Love You!


MameyJane said...

I LOVED this!!! He is a good one, isn't he? :)