We did corn last week--the whole shabang--pulling, shucking, silking, and cutting. The result? I have 19 bags of frozen corn in my freezer to feed my family over the year. I will probably get a couple more buckets full over the next week or two and then it will be time to move on to some other produce. We have butterbeans, pole beans, banana peppers, tomatoes, and cantelopes planted. Not a HUGE garden, but, speaking of HUGE, I'm sure it's plenty for this mama who will be HUGE in the upcoming weeks! :o)
Our other harvest that has past is potatoes. We finally dug those up and I tried something new this year. I peeled them, cut them into quaters, brought them to a boil for about 5 or 10 minutes (not enough for them to get mashed potato-consistency) and then froze them on a baking sheet for about 30 minutes to an hour. Then, I placed them, individually, into freezer bags. I think I have 6 or 7 gallon freezer bags full of yummy potatoes for me to just get out as needed.
How does your garden grow?
Found your blog through real me. Where do you live that your corn is already ripe? I love in Oregon and nobody has corn yet. Most people dont have anything yet. lol
Hey come on over to my blog on Monday and join me in the Garden Tour. I will have a Mr linky up and you can put your post in then.
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