Let's see....
We are all doing really well, enjoying our favorite season. The kids are growing, playing, bringing such joy to my life that I can't explain adequately. This morning, Evan called to me from the bedroom to come get him (he can get down by himself, but for some reason he wants me to get him out of the bed in the mornings). He was sooo warm and snuggly. I couldn't help but kiss him a thousand times, it seemed. The kids and I got back into my warm bed and I read them a story. It was a very nice moment.
What's going on here....
Bathroom renovations....still. :o)
Daddy is busy working and coming home and working some more at times. We all look forward to his coming home in the evenings and sometimes a 'surprise' during the day.
I am, as usual, cooking, cleaning, washing, washing, and washing, diapering, clothing, mothering, training, teaching, nursing, and all the while praying that I'm doing and saying as I should to my precious ones. Today as I was outside toddling after my toddler, I couldn't help but offer hands raised in gratitude and thanksgiving for my being home with my children.
I am teaching piano lessons and am enjoying it thoroughly--I added two new students this week, making my total 6 or 7?? I get all of my lessons done on Thursday evenings so I don't feel like my time is taken from my children too much.
Emory is doing great in school. We cut back our subjects, 3 one day and the other 3 the next. Six subjects in one day was too much for him. This is working great for us.
Today I went outside to check on the children and he was raking leaves, putting them into the wheel barrow. He had also stacked some wood at the front door. He made his bed without my asking and cheerfully did his chores. I was so proud of and thankful for him.
Erin is my playful one. She wants to play all day--and she does mostly. She becomes really engrossed in play and will play for hours at the time. She still isn't interested in learning her letters and numbers. LOL
Evan is sitting down beside me, playing with my camera, saying, "Cheese". He is saying a LOT of words. He is a joy to train and teach to obey. He is doing great in our mini training sessions. He loves balls and trucks and loves to play hard. He loves outside and can now climb up the slide and down by himself.
Today I have been baking--baking 2 loaves of Chocolate chip Banana Nut Bread and 2 loaves of White Bread. The kids did their chores, I talked to my sister on the phone for a while, and washed the hubs clothes. We are settling in for our evening routine...time to wake up Erin and punch down my bread. Then it will be time to get ready for church.....
Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday evening!
Sounds like things are doing great there, as usual!
So cute about Emory working hard. I admit, we get some (a lot!) of attitude from Asher about chores around the house, but when he's outside doing "man" stuff he goes at it with his all. Just like his daddy :)
And I'm loling about Erin and not being interested. We JUST started doing letters and numbers with Canaan a few months ago and he's picking it up so fast. He already knows his whole alphabet and all the letters, plus numbers up to 10 and can almost count to 20. Not bad considering he couldn't do any of that when we started. Oh, and he knows how to spell his name (though he can't write it yet). Sounds like you're doing great, Mama, and I love hearing how happy you are to be home. It reminds me of how great it is, though I don't know that I can appreciate it like you since I haven't been out of the home since getting pg with Asher.
It's so awesome to see God's blessings all around us! God is so pleased with what you are doing, with what you are molding with your little (or not so little :)) family. I love picturing in my mind each scenario of the kids as I read along. So glad you blogged again!
I was wanting to know can you share your white bread recipe?
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