Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday's My Day

Hello, dear friends, how are things in your world? The weather has turned off crisp and very cool this evening. At this moment, I have my socked feet buried in between the couch cushions where they are searching for warmth. Don't you love the changing of the weather, though? It reminds me just how so not boring God is.
I suspect that we will fire up the logs tomorrow in our fireplace for our first fire of the cold snap. I love to have the wood-burning fire place going with the logs snapping in the heat. Oh my, it is going to be nice being home this winter, keeping the 'home fires' burning, coming in and drinking hot cocoa after playing outside with the kids, getting on a pot of soup and warm bread ready for supper, wiping cold, runny noses, getting to enjoy the Christmas tree all throughout the day, baking more Christmas goodies, getting ready for family and church get-togethers without having to rush, rush, rush, and fix something at the last minute. Yes, God has granted me the desire of my heart. Has He granted your's? Are you allowing Him--perhaps having a little faith in the matter? I pray you will. He would love to give you the desire of your heart, especially if it is the pleasure of your staying home with your precious jewels. In fact, if you're not staying home with your precious jewels, won't you pray and see if you are truly pleasing God in putting your children second best to your job? I did it--put them second-best--and it hurt so desperately for me to admit that--I tried every way to keep from admitting that they were second best. I loved them more than I did my job, but I was still not putting them first. I was with my job more than with my children. I was not even putting my husband first. I could not wash his clothes, cook his meals, be prepared as a wife as I needed to be for him and still be married to my job. I appreciate the Lord allowing me to have a wonderful job that I loved and so enjoyed, but I'm so glad that he gently tugged on me and invited me to come home. :o) He is so good. It is so good to be home.
Well, what went on at my home today? First of all, we got up around 8ish to a chilly morning. My wonderful husband took off today so he and his dad could speed up the bathroom renovations a little. It was so nice to have him home, even if he did spend more time with the bathtub than with me. :oP Just to have him around is so, so nice. They got to work pretty fast and I cooked them up some Oatmeal Muffins, which were so good. Mom volunteered to keep the children so I could help with the renovations, if needed, and also so Evan could nap (his sleeping area is right next to the bathroom). I got them seen off with mom and got started on my day. My house was near disaster, being Monday and all (Sunday is REST day..) so it took awhile just to straighten it up. I started with the Living room, taking stuff back to their proper rooms, fluffing the pillows, sweeping, and even mopping. Then I moved on to the Dining Room, doing the same. Next came the kitchen, where I washed dishes, wiped off the counters, and swept. By this time, it dinner-prep time, so I began getting ready. I made Meat Loaf and while that was cooking, I cut up potatoes for mashed potatoes. To finish it off, I warmed up some String Beans from yesterday's dinner, and cooked a pan of cornbread. We had Cherry Torte for dessert (also leftover). It was a satisfying meal and there wasn't much left! :oP We were glad to have my FIL eat with us. After dinner, I washed up the dishes, straightened up the kitchen, etc. You know today is Bed linens wash day, so all this time, I am washing bedclothes, hanging them out to dry (it was a wonderful day to hang out clothes), and putting them on the beds. Emory stayed today to 'help', so I did some schoolwork with him (having to 'motivate' him on several occasions). My mother-in-law came by to see the progress (which, indeed, involved putting the bathtub in the bathroom and doing some plumbing) and she helped me get the beds made and took Emory with her to her house. I put up my laundry from last Thursday (my clothes) and then worked on the kids' room for a while (it is always TERRIBLE on Monday). I finally called mom around 6 to see why she hadn't called, turns out she had been trying for a WHILE and the phone was dead, so it wasn't ringing. Anyway, I think she was initially upset, but she is over it now (can't help what can't be helped) and I got the kiddos back. Picked up Emory from his Cartoon daze (I was pretty upset at him because he was watching some teenage cartoons that we definitely don't let him watch) and brought him back home. I fixed Chocolate chip whole wheat pancakes for supper (pretty good--way too rich, IMO) and Erin and I had goat milk with ours (my mom is back getting goat milk for us..yay) which was pretty good after I strained the curdles out of it. :o)
Now, everyone is in bed (as they should seeing it is 12:00am) and the house is getting really cool. My house looks soo cozy this evening. It is really clean, the lamps are on, my children are sleeping peacefully, my husband loves me and is going to be so warm in the bed (he is my heater..I'm like an ice cube) and why in the world am I still on here? :o)

See you tomorrow, Lord willing. I can't decide if I'm going to blog on Procrastination or Modesty. sure to come back for a visit.

Love to all!


Pint-Size Princess said...

Sounds like things are going great there! My boys enjoyed a cold day playing outside yesterday. Genesis wanted to go out, but I wasn't up for it, lol. I do not like cold, though I love cuddly winter clothes, lol. The high yesterday was 44 degrees! Brrrr.

MameyJane said...

Beautiful blog. I loved the fall picture at the top. Very inviting. I'm not back into the blog swing yet. I really enjoyed our stay this time. Despite being sick, it was a good visit. Can't wait to come back at Christmas!