Monday, October 06, 2008

Monday's My Day

Well, time to get back to blogging....

Come onto my front porch, sit down, and let's chat!

I have not been keeping to my getting up before the sun rises routine. I found that I would have about one 'good' prayer time/Bible reading per week and the rest I was falling asleep, incoherent. I am learning that what works for some may not work for me. So, for now, I'm getting up around 7ish and getting my Bible reading and prayer time done during the day. Sometimes, I will feel the 'urge' to pray at no certain time and I've found that works for me best. That is truly when the Lord meets with me the most--when His Holy Spirit gently nudges me to get down on my knees. Anyway, live and learn....

I do wish I was better at getting up with my husband and ironing and fixing breakfast, etc. I am such a failure in that dept. I guess if he minded too badly then I would get up and do it, huh? ;o) He is just too nice to get me up from my peaceful sleep. :o) I know my mom and MIL both get up with my dad/dad-in-law at 4:00/4:30. Well, I'll just try to do better. That's what we can do, right?

Today's chores have been: doing our bedding laundry, drying outside, putting back on the bed, general picking up, wiping down appliances including washer and dryer (I got a 'new' one over the wk end), cooking, and just general picking up (did I say that already???)

Today's menu included: Oatmeal with maple syrup and raisins, Salmon and bake potatoes for lunch (the BP were already in the frig), and for supper we will have Black Bean and Salsa Soup. I can post recipes if anyone is interested.

Actually, tonight is our monthly ladies' meeting and we are taking finger foods. I am taking Apple dip and Apples: Two pkg Cr Cheese, 1 cup brown sugar, 2 tbs of Vanilla. That's it. Yummy!

The kids have been playing and playing today. In fact, I did a lot of their normal chores because they were so busy playing that I hated to disturb them. I don't feel bad about this. :) I love it when they play. At one point, all of them were playing in the dirt. Even Evan. Their play was very imaginative today. That's what I like.

My MIL got Erin a Tele-Tubbies outfit at a yard sale (which I don't like Teletubbies, but my kids do) and she wore it for 3/4ths of the day. I'll leave you with a picture of her out playing in the dirt in her outfit! LOL It was hilarious.

We are so enjoying our new pastor and family! Wow, we heard some great preaching (some from the nursery...ugh) this weekend!! Anyway, things are going great with them and we are soaking in the unadulterated Word of God being preached (not that it wasn't before, you kwim).

Okay, well we have some more schooling to do...Emory wants a plum peeled (my kids have been eating tons of fruit today)....and I need to finish my soup for supper.

Lots of love to my readers!


MameyJane said...

Yes! Yes! Yes! you're back!! Thanks for the comments on my last blog. I took your advice and wrote a nice little letter to the Ped. Haven't mailed it yet, though.

Pint-Size Princess said...

Sounds like a great day!! I've been getting up early, but not spending the time with God. I don't focus well this time of the morning. I do usually give a little "Thanks God for another day with my family" before I get out of bed though! Plus, I think it's important for the kids to see me reading my Bible, and they won't see that if I do it all before they get up. At least that's what I keep telling myself ;)