Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Wednesday's What's Going On?

Hello, dear friends. Autumn is definitely here and after yesterday's few inches of rain, today has been cool and breezy. Crisp. Don't you love it when the weather gets crisp? Today Evan and I mowed a little grass and the crisp wind hit our face and it was enough to make me say, Ah, Thank you Lord for the different seasons! One thing God isn't and that's Boring! :o)

So, what's going on with us? Well, life is busy and going at the speed of light. Every day we make memories, laugh, cry, stress, are at peace, and in the midst of it all are busy. I enjoy the routine things we do: the making of the beds, the hanging out of the clothes (I so love this, it's therapy), the reading of the Word with my children, the reading of Black Beauty, the fixing the lunches and breakfasts, hearing my children say the blessing, the scooter riding of my son (in the house, every day), my daughter playing with the kitten most of the day, imaginative play coming from my kids' room, changing the baby's diaper, consistent nursings, watching my baby shake his head after he eats something he doesn't like, learning to read with my oldest, saying prayers at night, bathing, tucking in, hearing my little girl say, "Is it time for you to lay with me?" :o) All of that makes a day just so wonderful.

What's new going on with me? Well, this week I am starting to take a Probiotic called, ThreeLac. It is supposed to help or get rid of the overgrowth of Candida Albicans in the body. Candida overgrows and takes over the good bacteria when one takes antibiotics and/or has stress, eats too much sugar, etc. Some signs of it include Irritable Bowels, Fogginess (Brain fog, anyone?), Stomach cramps, Allergies (ME!!!!!!!!!!!) and Asthma (ME!!), skin rashes (ME, too), and other symptoms. Mostly everyone has it. Anyway, I'm giving some of the probiotic to Emory too. He has some of the same symptoms as I. I have also started taking Flax Oil capsules for the Omega 3s and giving the kids Cod Liver Oil for Omega 3s and other benefits.

Hmmm...what else? Oh, I got me some new glasses last week and I really like them a lot. It has been years and years since I had a new pair and mine were so outdated. I'm enjoying the new 'look'.

Emory is learning, learning in his schooling. He is reading more each day and learning about stuff in HIstory that I never learned about (pyramids, mummies, that sort of stuff). He can do a page of adding in no time. He is really good at math.

My little princess of a darling is soo much fun to be around. She is getting taller as I have noticed she can look at herself in her mirror. Tonight she was taking off her shoes and her dad and I commented on how she had left her shoes off all through church. We were so proud of her. She grinned and gave us a 'thumbs up'--except it was her pointer finger. LOL.

Evan has been 'counting'. I can't believe it. He loves to play outside with the others. He will get right in the dirt with the other two. I can sit back and relax more and watch them play together. He is starting to copy them. Tonight in church, they had FunPads to draw and color in...well he had to find him one as welll. He is growing up and learning some new words!

I have this huge bouquet of flowers growing in a stick pile in our field. They are gorgeous. We went and picked a bouquet and I'll leave you with a picture. We also picked some pears from our trees and I *hope* I get around to peeling and slicing them before they rot!

What else? Oh, we gave our new puppy away to a good home. I really missed him the first couple of days he was gone. He is a *hog* dog so we gave him to a little guy that hunts hogs. He is my former student and I think he will take good care of him. :o/

Tonight was Fried Pork Chops, Garlic cheddar Mashed Potatoes, Peas, and cornbread. Dessert was Pecan Pie Muffins. It was a pretty nice supper! We had to rush at it before time to get ready for church.

Gotta go to bed if I'm to get up again with my sweet husband. God bless you, dear readers! :o)


Pint-Size Princess said...

Wonderful post! So inspiring. Glad to hear you all are doing so well. Fall was really in the air here a few weeks ago, and now it's about gone again with high's in the 80s. Doh!

MameyJane said...

Save me a pear?