Monday, September 29, 2008

Taking a little break...

Blogging requires thinking and I haven't been able to do much of that lately for some reason. Maybe my body was anticipating this bug that I have today??? My kids have had a one day bug with stomach aches and headaces and yours truly started getting it today. This stuff is BAD. Right up there with the flu. I told my hubby I was sorry that I had not sympathized with the kids more. He informed me that as an adult, I probably have it worse.

Weird bug, this is. Started out with some nausea and a minor headache. The nausea subsided and the aches came on, full force. I kept trucking it, albeit slowly. When the kids all laid down, I laid down as well (with Em). Hubby came home early and took over (even cooking supper). :) I thought I might be feverish, but took temp and it said 98.8. But, now I am *burning up* and sweating, so I know I had a fever. Weird, eh? Extreme aches and fatigue.

Ugh...I hate all these different kinds of bugs. Well, I hope tomorrow is better since I have to play for a funeral and sing. Don't think I could croak out anything at this point. My mom has the kids...Evan hasn't felt well today either--he may be feeling the same as me, but I *know* he is doing some major teething.

Well, hope to be back to posting regularly when the brain fog has lifted.


Patricia said...

Hope you feel better soon!
Thank you so much for the book. I replied to your comment on my blog there. I love this book - and I can't wait to read it. Thank you for blessing me with it! :)

MameyJane said...

I sure hope y'all are better soon! It's hard for Mama to take care of everyone else when she doesn't feel well. I'll be praying for ya :).

Sondra! said...

Hope today is better. We say we would rather be sick than our kids sick, but it sure does stink all the same!

Pint-Size Princess said...

Hope you feel better soon!

MameyJane said...

I miss you! Please come back!