Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday's My Day

Happy Fall to everyone! I do believe this is my favorite season! I love, love fall. The cooler temps, the crisp air, the pumpkins..ha, I love it! I makes me want to cook a pot of soup, curl up with a good book and a nice comfy blanket and ah...relax and breathe in the fall air!

Well today you get a recap of my day, without pictures. It is a LOT of work to photograph every part of my day so I decided not to today. Maybe I can every other Monday. :o)

My day started early, 5:50 to be exact. The LORD has been waking me up to go to prayer with him for 4 days now. It has been wonderful. This is the miracle: I can't WAIT to get up and have my quiet time with Him. Amazing, huh? I pray that I keep the desire--the Lord has been really so near to me during my prayer time. I can't express what the Lord has done in my (our) lives in the past year. He's become so near to me! Anyway....:o) I had my prayer and Bible reading from Ezekiel 21-25...fairly interesting stuff. Emory actually woke up first and then the other 2 soon followed thereafter. My Dear one was sent off to work, bless him. I piddled around some, cleaned the bathroom, which should've taken me 5 minutes, but took me 30 because all of the kids were awake and demanding Mom's attention. I'm sure you know how it is. :o) Breakfast was eggs and grits, the kids had applesauce as well. Then, we set to work.

Now, how are Monday's at your place?? I don't do a whole lot on Sundays (most of the time not even making beds) so my house really needs straightening on Monday, especially the bedrooms. I don't do laundry on Sat and Sun so I have a huge pile of laundry usually by Monday, which dwindles down throughout the week.

This morning I gave my oldest two Four chores apiece to complete before we got started on our usual routine. Erin had to bring the trash to the big can, clear off the breakfast dishes from the table, wipe off the table, and take some blankets to her room. Emory had to take sheets to the laundry room, put them in the washer and begin the wash, and then they helped me move some books that had been sitting on the laundry room floor (for months!) to a 'new' bookshelf. I can't remember the other chore I had him do. Anyway, they were very helpful today. They played outside for a pretty good while, I hung my sheets out on the line and played with them some. Evan napped and we did our Devotions and read our chapter in Black Beauty. Emory started his school work for the day and did Spelling and Math. Erin colored a few pictures I printed off the internet for her.

All this worked up an appetite and I wanted to reward us for working hard, so we decided to make a cake. We (Emory and I did most of the work) made a Coconut Pound Cake, which is really yummm! I didn't let it cool long enough so it stuck to the pan some, but it's still good. Meanwhile, I fixed us some lunch which was frozen pizzas and chips. It was so not healthy, but we have a tendency to not eat healthy on the second week after grocery shopping. I run out of the healthy stuff and have to get cheap junker food. LOL.

After lunch, we had our 10 minute pickup which turned into a 10 minute pickup for the Living Room and a 10 or 15 minute pickup for the kids' bedroom. It was a disaster! In honesty it probably took longer. The kids were pretty helpful, of course, stopping every few minutes to play with a distraction. :o)

Erin took a nap and we started on our part two of homeschooling. We like to sit out on the porch and do the reading Lesson because Evan will play on the porch while we do school. Emory is on lesson 52 and doing great. I catch him trying to read other books now. It is so exciting that he is learning to read--I've always been so nervous and scared that I wouldn't be able to teach my child to read. Anyway, we were silly during the reading lesson. He learned the word, 'fog' and kept calling it 'fig' so I would make up sentences that used the word 'fog' but say 'fig' instead. For example, The ship blew the fig horn to warn other ships OR "I can't see because of the fig". It was funny and silly. Of course with 5 year olds, Once Silly, Always Silly. LOL For awhile, at least. We did Language (still on Proper/Common Nouns). He had to write down 3 family or friends' names to show capitalization in Proper Nouns and he chose me! :o) I was #3 on his list, but he still chose me. :o)

I kept falling asleep during the schooling (it really isn't boring, I was just sooo sleepy) so I decided to let Emory play on PBS kids while I took a nap. So I curled up on the couch and took a 20 minute nap (set my trusty timer). When I awoke, we got everyone loaded up to go meet daddy. Our trip was to Lowe's to get some bathroom faucets for our tub and sink. It was fun picking out something. We got faucets that cost in the middle of the road. Next was a trip to get diapers and then to get something to eat (Mexican). We looked around Petco for the kids and Em and I stayed at the Mice cage for the longest...laughing at the mice fighting over food and this one mouse kept getting stuck under the wheelie thing. It was a hoot.

Ev sacked out on the way home, after a little mama's milk and a diaper change. He is doing so much...saying, "See Daddy?" and just really getting involved. His latest thing this week is throwing everything into the garbage can. I have found a variety of objects in there lately! :o)

Well it's getting pretty late, but I wanted to check in. Hope I didn't bore you to tears--it's a lot more fun with pictures, isn't it? Well, you have a good night. God Bless!


Pint-Size Princess said...

Sounds like a good day! Since our weekend is Thu/Fri, my house is usually a wreak by Sat. Have a good week!

MameyJane said...

Love the fall clip art. Where did you find it? I've been wanting to ask you where you found your clip art for your HMB. Mine is coming along. Wish you could help me with it! :)

Brandy said...

Brodie went through the same stage about throwing thing in the trash can, I still have to check to see what he has thrown in there. Love the art! Where did you find it?