Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday's Fotos

How are you and your's this day? God has been so good to our family. I woke up early and sought the Lord and He is so faithful.

Here is a little reflection of our week. Today we went to the park and it wasn't too good--there were too many mosquitos and poor Evan fell into an ant bed and got several bites on his hand and leg! I was right there with him, grabbed him up and started brushing off like a mad woman. He didn't cry, and my hopes is that they won't itch him since he isn't messing with them.

1. First photo is of Emory and his first art project! I have it up in his room--it looks so good.
2. My cowgirl and all her beauty!
3. One of Erin's block creations--I love looking at the intricate details of the animal pens and the arrangement of the animals--Look at the men! I guess they are the night watchers sleeping on the job??? :o)
4. Just a pic of my living room--I rearranged the chairs this morning and I thought it looked really good. I don't know why I didn't do this arrangement earlier!
5. Evan at the park..what a cutie!
Happy Friday to you--have a great weekend!


MameyJane said...

Love the new LR look! I want to post some pics of mine so bad (dumb camera). I can't believe the Ev-man is walking! It seems I've seen so little of him, I haven't even got to know him and he's growing up too fast. Looks like Emory is going to be good at drawing like his Dad! :)

Pint-Size Princess said...

I love all the pics of your kiddos :)

And about hte dr's. In general, I don't mind the kids not being seen, and really don't see much purpose in it. But since we recieve state aid, I don't want to risk them saying I'm neglecting my children, so we do the well-childs just to cover our behinds, especially with non-vaxing.