Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Why I Homeschool

Our public and private schools started today and tomorrow so I decided an appropriate post would be one that states why my little Kindergartener won't be standing at the bus stop this week. So, here goes: twenty reasons why I Homeschool (in no particular order).

1. I trust no one with my children the way I trust myself with them.

2. No one loves my children the way I love them.

3. No one cares for my children the way I care for them.

4. No one has the best interests in mind for my children like I do.

5. I'm responsible for my children, not someone else.

6. My children need me.

7. My children do not need to sit in a desk for 6-8 hours a day.

8. My children do not need to be with 20 children the same age as he more than he needs to be with his family. The people you are with the most are the ones who influence you the most.

9. In a traditional school setting, my children will not learn the Bible and other subjects will be of more importance (How can they find their way to Heaven if they don't know what the roadmap says?)

10. My children are not used to being hollered at.

11. All children the same age are NOT on the same level intelligent-wise, even though the traditional school setting requires that all children learn the same thing at the same time.

12. I want my children to learn about the 'Birds and the Bees' from me and not from what Johnny told him that happened in this movie he watched.

13. I do not want my children to be made fun of or to be pressured into being malicious to other children.

14. My children are disciplined out of love and not anger.

15. I don't want my children to have a chance of being molested by a school peer or a teacher.

16. I don't want my children to be in the school when that guy that is mad at his girlfriend decides to go on a shooting rampage.

17. I want the freedom of teaching my children a variety of subjects in a variety of ways.

18. I want my children to have the liberty of participating in art, music, nature, philosophy, Bible memorization, woodworking, baking, and any other skill that I deem important for them.

19. I want my children to have a Biblical worldview.

20. I homeschool my children because they are MINE and I know it is what God wants me to do.

Who created the educational system? Man, not God. God placed the mother and father in charge of teaching the children. Sending my children to a modern day school to me is like sending them to a den of wolves on a 'kiss and a prayer'. I have the freedom to homeschool these precious lives God gave ME to teach, mold, and make. If they are away from me 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, then how can I do this? Then comes extracurricular activities that are school-related that take more time away from family-time and I have even less time than that to mold my children! We pray that our children stay safe at school, aren't molested, don't hear curse words, aren't influenced, don't sneak around and smoke, don't get groped, etc., but then why are we sending them to school on this prayer, when God has given us the command to 'Train up our children' . I am very passionate about homeschooling and feel so disheartened at times because it is so looked down on where I live.

The biggest frowns about homeschooling that I get or hear:

1. They need to be around other children. What do I say about this? First of all, what happens when you get a bunch of kids the same age, together? You get stealing, or cheating, peer pressure, maliciousness, fighting, selfishness, bickering, etc. I know because I've seen it year after year. Who made the law that children do well by being around children their own age for 8 hours a day? I don't know, but it's such a deception for one to believe this. Children learn social skills by seeing it modeled. NOT by being with children their own age all the time. They learn to share by seeing grown ups share or by hearing grown ups express the importance of sharing and implementing sharing. They don't learn sharing by being with other children. Unless YOU, the grown up, steps in, kids will get into a fist-fight before they will give into someone who has their toy. Do you see what I'm saying? Social skills by being with other children is a BIG misconception. Yet, it is the number one defense against homeschooling. Okay, so I agree that kids enjoy being around other kids. What about siblings? My kids have a blast being with one another. They are used to each other. They love each other so much they often want me to 'marry them'. LOL What about cousins? What about church kids?

2. The second 'frown' is your kids will miss out on so much (i.e. ball, soccer, cheerleading, performances, camps, and all the other gazillion things that kids are involved in these days). Do you know what my kids won't miss out on? The won't miss out on Mom reading "The Swiss Family Robinson" or "Robinson Crusoe" to them. They won't miss out on Mom reading the Acts chapter 2 and explaining the Day of Pentecost to them. They won't miss out on learning Psalm 1 at age 3. They won't miss out on playing the 3 Little Pigs outside for an hour with siblings and Mom. They won't miss out on learning how to bake a special dessert. They won't miss out on building a birdhouse with dad. They won't miss out on learning a foreign language at an early age. They won't miss out on ball--with daddy as the pitcher and mom as the umpire, who can beat that? They will, however, miss out on being hollered at by a teacher (who may be having PMS) because out of being bored from sitting in a desk for 2 hours, he or she decides that doodling is better (and probably is) than doing multiplication. They will, however, miss out on going to bed at 11 because of studying and doing endless hours of homework. They will, however, miss out on being pressured to make that "A". They will, however, miss out on having low self esteem because someone called them "fat" or "retard".

3. They aren't going to be prepared for college. You know, frankly, college doesn't mean much to me and I won't pressure my children to go. *Gasp* I pray my girls will grow up to want to stay at home mothers and my sons will grow up to have a trade to where they can be around their families, if possible. Hardworkers, but with a meaningful job. However, I'm am convinced 100% that homeschooling will more than prepare my children for college. You can look up the statistics on homeschooled children. Their IQs are higher than the traditional schooled children. Why? More ONE on ONE and no pressure to do 'said' objective and have it mastered by such and such date. Also, possibilites are endless. You can teach Shakespeare one day and Booker T. Washington another day. Isn't that wonderful?

I love homeschooling. Won't you consider it? I'm fully convinced your child will benefit from it. And, perhaps, most importantly, you might prevent your child from a lot of sorrow. Shelter your children. There's NOTHING wrong with it.

God Bless.


Pint-Size Princess said...


The public schools around here start today. This year I'm keeping records for Asher, even though I don't have to until next year, to get in the habit and work out kinks, so even though we've been schooling all summer, he'll be "starting" on Sat when DH goes back to work

Suzie said...

Thank you for this blog. It has inspired me to write my own 'reasons why we homeschool' as a topic for next week on my blog You have spurred my mind to revisit these things. Sometimes as you children get older, you forget why you do what you do. Thank you again, Suzie