Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Productive Day and Pottying....

I have found that I'm not happiest when I look back on my day and I'm gotten all my chores done. I'm happier when I have done everything on my list with my KIDS than my housework. Today we got to do our devotions, book reading and homeschooling. I tweaked my schedule a little today and it worked even better than my last tweaking. I'll post it when I get it 'down pat'.

Back before Evan was born, I read a book called, "Diaper Free Baby". I had heard of Elimination Communication before and after reading (most of) the book, I decided I would try it some on Evan. Now it's hard to try things like EC and cloth diapers, etc., when you have another caregiver than yourself, so I knew I couldn't do it all the time. I remember when Evan was about 2 weeks old, I put him on the potty. He was soo cute--his little red, wrinkly booty on the big potty. In December when he was 4 months old, I knew he was about to 'poo' one day while we were at the table. I thought, "Why not just take him--don't wait for him to soil his diaper." So, I did and he went! He did it several times during my Christmas vacation, but after that, he went back to my mom's during the day and we fell off the wagon (er, potty) so to speak. I determined that I would start taking him to the potty after his one year old birthday. So, today I got the little blue Bjorn potty out and cleaned it out. I put it in the living room and sit him on it after each diaper change. One time, he was dry and had been for a few hours. I thought surely he would go on the potty, but he wouldn't. You know, he is now 'trained' to go in his diaper. Isn't that sad? I have trained him to soil his diaper. Back at 4 months, he was comfortable going on the potty because he wasn't quite trained yet. Just like we don't feel comfortable going in our underwear, he doesn't feel comfortable going anywhere but his. Well, I'm going to keep trying! Keep you posted.

This week I am guest pianist at a nearby Baptist church. It went well tonight, I enjoyed it. It is a job I love.

"Praise God from Whom all blessings flow"


angel love said...

We part time EC here as well :-) I would've liked to EC full time but I can't do that without quitting all of my other 'jobs'! I wonder what life would be like without diaper changes???!!! lol

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say don't write it off completely. We've always done ec full time and have gone through a phase from about 10 months to now (15 months) with much more misses than catches. We even had a day recently when every nappy was a wet one. We've also had a lot of times when she wets her nappy within minutes of being on the potty. Recently we've had an improvement and I think it's down to use putting her in either trousers or training pants instead of nappies most of the time which means that we notice more quickly when she does wet and I think it is more noticable for her too.

Susan. :o)

Pint-Size Princess said...

More power to ya! I read about EC before our first was born and thought it sounded like a great idea. Then the reality hit of learning how to nurse, over a c/s scar at that, and try and figure out how to hold a bowl under his point and make sure he was pointed down. I gave up pretty quick, lol. Now it's one of those things that sits in the back of my mind and I think "someday, maybe" but really, I'm just not that enthusiastic about it. I've got enough to worry about!

Dawn said...

I have a friend who is due to give birth to her first wee one in November and she plans on doing EC as soon as her blessing is born.
I told her to go for it! :-)

I will recommend that book to her if she hasn't read it already. Maybe it can help her learn some tips and tricks.

Thanks a lot!

August blessings,