Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Blog Blahs

Well, I haven't been on vacation, literally, just haven't felt like blogging much. I have wanted to blog, but haven't had much to blog about. Things are pretty mundane here. We are doing our usual routines and have been homeschooling this week. We made it through a wonderful campmeeting at our church that was so uplifting and refreshing. Makes me wish it was at least once a month!
This week I'm getting up earlier (before the kids) which is my intention all the time, but somehow I just get really sleepy in the I love it when the house is all quiet and I can get a few things done before my sweet sleepyheads walk through the door. My Dh literally has to drag me out of the bed though to get me up (wish is what I asked him to do). :)
Right now I have a new recipe, Baked Oatmeal, sitting on the stove, fresh from the oven and it smells divine. I was really easy to make and I hope it will rekindle my childrens' love of oatmeal that has been lost.
Emory started subtraction yesterday and he is doing very well. I was amazed how well he did at addition that I decided to start on subtraction. He is on Lesson 39 in his "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons" Book. He is just doing great. I started Erin with her numbers 1-5 (recognizing them) yesterday and writing the letter "E". She did pretty well--she is quite stubborn when it comes to conforming to a homeschooling schedule. Before now, I have pretty much let her pick what she wanted to do for 'schoolwork' while I worked with Emory. She is officially in 'preschool' now though. :o)
I have a new niece, Emma Raeleigh, born to my SIL, Amy. This is her 3rd child so now she has 3 kids under 3 years old! WOW. I may have a chance of going to Louisiana this weekend and seeing the new baby and their new house. That is exciting.
Well, I must get busy doing something before the sleepyheads start waking up! Have a great day.


Pint-Size Princess said...

Any chance you'll be driving through KY? YOu could stop by and see me!

I hear you on the blogging blahs, I go through that myself sometimes :)

Sounds like Emory is doing great!! I know Asher could be doing more reading, but with his personality, I've learned to make sure he is very confidant in his letter sounds before I push him any further. That's what I love about MFW, it starts so slow and easy, it's working wonderfully and while I know I *could* get him reading faster, if it takes until the end of 1st grade, I'm fine with that too! We do simple addition and subtraction with Asher, nothing written down, but always doing it in life. "Hey Asher, there are 5 apples, if we each eat one, how many will be left?" etc etc.

I've been trying to fold Canaan into Asher's school more, which is working great. Unfortunatly we're still working on how to sing his ABCs and count to ten, b/c somehow that's been neglected (probably b/c I took that looooong break with Asher, so Canaan got dropped too...) but he's picking it up fast. He's also learning his letters while Asher reviews the sounds they make. It's working well. And he loves to do the Bible/Science activities with us.

Sondra! said...

Letting you know I 'peeked in on you guys' today! I love the 100 Lessons book. I used it with Peyton. He was really already reading by the time I found it, but it helped to reinforce some things. He's an AWESOME reader-a real bookworm. I'm glad-it makes life so much easier. Your kids are so funny to me. I changed my page name, etc. but come look at it my pics thats about all thats up there. Praying for you guys & GCOG!!