Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Focusing for this week..

Before I get into my post, I would like to report that I am fine from my massage/table crashing incident. My legs are really sore-to-touch and bruised, but I am good. Our table is fixable, we believe, and is in the floor with the legs up in the air, waiting to be fixed. Quite a conversation starter, if we have guests. :o) Thankfully, noone has shown up since the accident. :o)

Earlier in the week, I got out my binder and worked on some tweaking to my schedule. My goal with my schedule is this: To keep my house clean and orderly without it being the consumption of my time and energies. To maintain a healthy balance between taking care of my children's needs and my home. I would love to get everything on my schedule done each day and not be consumed by it, yk? So, I have reevaluated it and decided that my daily cleaning chores and going to get done first and foremost--that way I will not put them off and they not get done. Also, I can get them over with and spend any extra time in the afternoon doing homeschooling or reading to the kids, playing, working on projects. Second of all, I haven't been working on any projects since I started my schedule. I have lots of clutter spots and entire rooms that need working on. I had to figure out a way to squeeze in some project time. Thirdly, I haven't been homeschooling diligently. This is NOT on my top priority list because Emory is still only 5 and I'm going to enjoy not doing homeschooling for 8 hours a day while I can. I don't want to push the issue. I still do want to do some, tho, even if it's just reading, copywork, memory work, and some math. That is my goal. Lastly, my house was STILL being a near disaster zone. So, instead of my 15 minute LR/DR pickup, I'm installing 3 10 min pickups at intervals during the day.

Here is my revised schedule (I'm sure it will constantly be revised):

1. Get up (I do not have a set time, anytime between 7:30-8:30 usually)

2. Laundry (different person's laundry for different days)

3. Chore #1 (ex. sweep/mop front of house)

4. Chore #2 (ex. sweep/clean off front porch--those were today's chores)

5. Bible reading/trampoline (this is not 'set', I do it when I have a quiet moment..when the kids are playing good and Evan is not clingy)

6. Clean room/Get dressed

7. Breakfast

8. Clean Table/Stack dishes (revision: I used to wash them at this pt, but for sake of time, I'm waiting until later in the day to wash bf, dinner, and time)

9. Devotion (I do a short devotion with the kids..for example, today we read about the Good Samaritan and talked about "Compassion")

10. Kids' room (make bed and clean help)

11. Get kids dressed

12. Hang out laundry (I hang out ALL my laundry except towels/washcloths)

13. Recess (revision: kids play outside while I hang out laundry..this is long is SO hot..I used to have this slotted for 45 min-1 hour)

14. Ten Minute Pick-up--added(we pick up all toys they have out at this pt...just a general straightening)

15. Lunch (we don't eat a big we had watermelon!)

16. Homeschooling (they did 2 worksheets a each today..Emory had reading lesson)

17. Story Time (right now we are reading, "Pinocchio")

18. Nap preps (Bathroom, water)

19. Naps (they don't nap every day, but I make them rest)

20. My Time (Prayer time, general chores--i.e. sweeping, trash, dishes, etc--PROJECT time--right now I'm decluttering our future school room which is now a junk/movie room)

21. Supper Preps (kids play with table activities during this time and any other time they need to calm down and play structured)

22. Supper

23. 10 minute pick up

24. Family Time

(From here on, I really don't have a schedule...we either are going to church or to my mother in law's to visit, or spending time as a family...they do the baths and teethbrushing, stories, prayers, bedtime, have another 10 minute pick-up, etc.)

Somewhere in here, I let my kids watch one video every other day. Usually it's while I'm doing my morning chores. They play really good with blocks and whatever I set out for them.

This is basically our day--with lots of hugs and kisses in between times!! :)