Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Week, updates, ramblings....

I started to title this post, "Haven't Blogged cause I've Been Clogged" but decided against it for various You will see why that title is appropriate on down the post.

This week my schedule has been off kilter and we've barely done any homeschooling. I mean hardly any to speak of. First off, we (my dh, and our dear friends) had to sing at a nearby campmeeting for the special singing and altar music. Every night from Sunday to Friday. :o) It was pretty fun--I love singing and esp with my dear friends--they had a good sound system (from OUR side of the stage..ha)--and the spirit of the Lord was there every night, so it was really a good time. When we think about why we do what we do it's not so much a drudgery. Well, I had to have a sitter just about every night so we split up kids between my mom and my MIL and then some nights I would take one or two, so it worked out. I prefer having my children in church with me, but with our being onstage for a major part of service, it just wouldn't be as feasible. I just say thank God for good grandparents who will come through unselfishly for their children/grandchildren!! :o)

The second highlight of the week is I got mastitis (hence the 'clogged' title). I had a painful lump in my breast that turned into an infection, complete with fever, chills, aches (including a headache). It was not fun. The only plus to it was it wasn't contagious and I got some rest. Of course, my house did not clean up itself, but we managed. I don't stress over an unkempt house anymore. I have learned two things (and this is such a profound statement(s) to me that perhaps I should do a whole separate post on this) 1. People only drop by or come to visit when your house is at it's worst or near worst and 2. There is no way to keep a house straightened when you have clutter (i.e. too many toys, clothes, what-nots, mail, papers, etc.) in places. Clutter that needs ALL DAY to tackle and one cannot do that while taking care of three kids (which is more fun that tackling clutter, btw...ha). Anyway, it's funny that I should mention this because in the past two weeks, I have had 4 or 5 people that I could name that have just 'dropped by' (which I love company!!!) and my house happened to be at wreckage state due to late start on the day or my being sick and not feeling like straightening. One day I was decluttering the kids' room and couldn't get to the rest of the house. Anyway, my house IS clean. I change the trashes every other day, I clean the bathrooms once a week, my laundry gets done weekly on schedule, I mop weekly and sweep every other day, I dust weekly. still gets messy. :o)

So, I don't know how I even got on that!! :O) My dh stayed home with me the day I was sick and that was nice!! I enjoy him being home so much that my selfish side sometimes wishes he had at least a part time work-at-home job so he could be at home more. :o) I am so very thankful for his job, tho.

Well, I told you it was ramblings!! My mastitis is better and I'm on antibiotics (which I have needed to be on for various infections this year, but I know it creates more candida in the body, but, gotta get better)

God Bless!


Pint-Size Princess said...

I'm so sorry you got mastitis. I've had it twice and it was horrible. Luckily for me it started getting better after 24hrs, so I didn't need antibiotics but it was still horrible. And yes, company always comes by when the house looks the worst. It drives me DH crazy b/c it's usually his company, lol. I've realized over the last few weeks that I really need to daily work on those clutter hotspots. The house looks a ton better when they're taken care of. (of course, as I type, my house is a disaster b/c I had sick kids yesterday. They're getting ANOTHER summer cold. blech)