Friday, July 11, 2008

Book Recommendation

If your child is 4 or 5 yrs old and shows signs of wanting to read, I really recommend this book, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. I ordered it from Amazon. It is direct-instruction, phonics-based. We are almost to Lesson 30 and Emory is reading words like, cat, at, mom, sit, ram, sick, sack, etc. He is reading sentences like, "See the ram sit" and "The rat is sad". I'm so excited!

Just a short post--I just finished mowing the grass and I'm about to go get the children from their grandmother's.

God is still good even today! :O)


Pint-Size Princess said...

So much to comment on! Sorry I havne't been around, I'll blog about it later. But I wanted to say woohoo to your garden! I"m so jealous. My garden is just starting to fruit. I have a few tomatoes that are getting big, but no red ones, my biggest watermelon in about golfball size, I only see two baby cucumbers and they're just starting and my pumpkin plants have just started flowering. I'm praying they actually fruit but I'm thinking it's doubtful b/c it's been pretty hot here lately. Ooh, it does look like we'll be having a nice corn on the cob dinner in another week or two though!

Oh, and I wanted to mention something about the sugar/yeast problem. I had a yeast overgrowth for a loooong time and tried lots of stuff to get rid of it. Except the candida diet, which I didn't think I could handle. Finally I was able to combat the yeast though. My secret? Baking soda mixed into my water. NOt a lot, usually only 1/8th of a teaspoon or so in a big thing of water a few times a day. I could barely taste it. After doing that for a bit I noticed a difference when I would forget my baking soda. Then I also quit eating yeast bread for a few weeks. I still ate other bread stuff, just nothign with actual yeast in it. After that, I didn't have to drink the bakig soda anymore and I can eat yeast breads again. I was so thrilled! I knew for sure that I had combated the yeast when I noticed a change in my toenail color. I didn't even realize they had an unhealthy color until the nice pink started showing up in the new growth. A warning though, based on things I've read, baking soda could potentially have the oppisite effect and feed the yeast, depending I assume on your body chemistry, in which case I'd try vinager instead. Anywyas, thought you might find this helpful.

Dawn said...

Seems like a wonderful book to have on hand!
Glad it's helping with your kiddos!

The Lord bless and keep thee,
