Saturday, June 07, 2008

What do you think?

Well, we survived youth camp and had a great time!! Our kids did great admidst all the going to church, getting dressed up twice a day, and going to bed late.

You know, I have often thought about this. I want to give it serious thought and prayer before I even settle on how I feel about this matter. Here goes:

We put our lives into the Lord's hands when we get saved. We hold nothing back. Our lives are lived doing His will--and in our lives we want His will to be done. We trust God for and in every aspect of our lives and feel like the Bible mandates that we do all these things.

We only hold one thing back. God's will in our reproduction. Yes, you read that correctly. WE take charge of our reproduction/fertility (hey, there is actually a book by that title--Taking Charge of Your Fertility). WE decide when and if we want to have more children. WE know best in that area.

Gulp. Have you every thought about this? Do you feel that we are doing the right thing? We aren't trusting God in this area of our lives. I mean, does it matter to God? Is it too trivial to matter? I'm just asking what do you think. I'm scared about what I think.

I read some about the Duggars--the family of soon to be 20, right? They totally leave the number of children they have up to God. They have an awesome Christian family. Can you imagine the descendants this family will bring? Godly descendants. I think that's why God wanted us to 'Be Fruitful and Multiply' because he knows that Godly parents will raise Godly children and they, in turn, will produce Godly grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc. We could over take the world for Christ! :)

Well, I'm not saying that I'm going to be the next Michelle Duggar (I don't think I even have enough time on my hands for, but I just wonder if I'm pleasing God by 'taking charge of my fertility'. I don't take birth control, but I purposefully space out my children (for sanity

What do you think?


Pint-Size Princess said...

We've decided to leave our fertility up to God. First, we just wanted lots of kids and close together, but in the last couple years we've gone to leaving it up to God. The only thing I have a problem is wanting to TRY and get pg, lol. DH says it's just "increasing the chances" but I lean more of the side of it's trying to take things into my own hands. So that's my struggle. I don't think we'll be the next Duggers either, fwiw. I still have a long time left to reproduce, but our kids are just naturally spaced farther apart than her's are! Feel free to e-mail me if you want to discuss it more in detail with somebody who's btdt.

Dawn said...

When I got saved I automatically gave God control of my body. I never used birth control to begin with, but my hubby did (if you know what I mean) and that was that.
When we 'surrender all' to Christ, that includes our fertility.
Who are we to say 'God you can have everything in my life...but fertility...I can take care of that.'
*shakes head*
It's either all or nothing for God.

Hubby and I have been married going on 7 years and we still have not had one child. It gets a little disappointing when everyone around you is popping babies out or you hear about all the unwed women having babies and killing them, but we trust God. He made me, he made my husband, so He knows what He is doing. :)

Some people may say that you spacing out your babies would be you controlling your fertility instead of God.
That's between you and Him and your hubby though.

I will say this though, God knows how many babies to give to each of us. He knows the exact timing when to give them to us. Why should we worry about it?

How do you know your littlest child is it? What if God decides not to give you and your hubby anymore?

But on the other side, God could give you both another child or two or three.

It's a 50/50 thing, know what I mean?

Pray on the subject. Ask your hubby to pray about it and see where it leads you.

Don't react out of feelings, fear, worry or anxiety, but react on the calling God has given to you.

Have a blessed Sunday dear one! And thank you for a wonderful post!
