working, being a wife, and a mother to three kids.....
Since I have only 16 days to SAHMhood, I thought I would put up a post to explain how I've survived and stayed sane for the past 5 years of working. Of course, it was a LOT easier with one child, but now I have 3, so it is VERY difficult.
I've survived and stayed sane by:
1. Allowing myself to not feel guilty if my house isn't spotless (this took a LOT of fact, I'm just getting good at this)
2. Keeping the house semi-straightened by spending about 5-10 minutes per room in the 'living' part of our house every day.
3. Divide my laundry into days. Monday is non clothing items, Tuesday is Towel/Washcloth day, etc.
4. My mom comes once a week and helps me clean some.
5. Sitting down and relaxing before bed
6. Having a one-on-one with each child every day (even if it's just a hug and a kiss).
7. The weekends!! I play catch-up on the weekends.
Basically, the MAIN reason I've stayed sane over these 5 years is:
1. God (I can't say enough about His goodness to me)
2. I have a great MOM who takes WONDERFUL care of my kids.
3. I have a GREAT Husband who is very considerate and is not demanding that everything be perfect.
4. I have GREAT, well-behaved kids who don't stress me out. I can't imagine coming home from teaching kids to my undisciplined kids. UGH!
And probably the main reason is:
I am a totally calm person who worries about virtually nothing. I thank the Lord for this. I credit my personality for the main reason I'm haven't had a nervous breakdown. I love my life and my Lord. Life has been and will continue to be blessed. I so look forward to my SAHM status!! I'm so thankful that God has allowed me to have the wonderful opportunity to SAH with my precious children.
Find Your Fight Song And Sing It
8 years ago
16 days!! Woohoo!!
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