Monday, January 28, 2008

Think I'm a better bread winner than a bread maker!

Ok, I finished my starter and set out to make the Ultimate Amazing Bread. I was unsure that I was doing it correctly, but I tried anyway. It.didn't.rise. So, I tried kneading it again and this morning it still hadn't risen. I almost cried. I have been working on that stupid bread all week and it didn't rise. So, no more starter bread for me and I am yeast bread all the way, baby. I can make it that way. I can't waste 2 boxes of Organic Wheat Flour to try again. What amazes me is that I so have a defeatist attitude about things I can't do. Emory and Erin are both like me in that area. I will cry if something doesn't work for me. So will they. It is not a good attitude to have. Anyway, I'm humbled that I can't make bread from a starter. I'm the type who won't try again, either. I will just resign myself that I'm not a breadmaker. Sigh

The weekend weather was crummy. Two weekends in a row of crummy weather. Two weekends indoors. I'm so ready to be outside working in my yards or helping my husband do some things outside. I have so many projects to do it isn't funny. I did get to mop Saturday and I grocery shopped.

I wanted to get up around 5 or so this morning and get started on my day instead of rushing around. I will tell you one thing about me that isn't a secret. I love to sleep. I love to go to bed early and sleep late. I almost wish I could buy an electric shocker that will shock me out of bed in lieu of an alarm clock. I set the alarm for 5:30 and got up at 6:09. I had to pull Mr. Breast Leech from me and he didn't like that very much. Anyway, the moral of the story is that I was still late for work and my mom had to meet me at a closer location so I wouldn't be even later.

I have been reading up a storm. I love, love to read. I imagine a vacation where I can read Stopping only for bathroom breaks. I would have me some unhealthy snacks closeby and some fresh lemonade to sip on. I would have a mixture of self-help books, all about either homeschooling, homemaking, herbs, natural health, or natural childbirth. Then, I would have a few Christian Fiction books by my favorite authors, Beverly Lewis and Francine Rivers. Last I would have some children's fiction books (4-6th grade levels). This would be anything from Little House series books to the Old Classics. I am going to strive to read some of the classics I've never read. Some of the Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and even books like To Kill a Mockingbird. Of course, I can always catch up on Bible reading. I love to do that as well, when I can sit down, uninterrupted and read my Bible.

How do I get my reading done? Well, I, er, don't recommend doing this, but I mostly read while I drive or ride. If husband is driving, I read. If I am driving my familiar (only) roads, I will take glances at my book while riding. Other times are while nursing. If I am really into a good book, I will walk around and read while doing other things! :) I finished Farmer Boy (Little House series) over the weekend and it was so good. I'm sure I read it while I was a child. I learned a lot about Pioneering and extreme Homemaking. LOL I started reading "The Dead Man in Indian Creek" by Mary Downing Hahn today.

Well, gotta get to my Spelling Bee students.


Pint-Size Princess said...

I tried making a sourdough starter once. It all seemed fine, but my bread didn't rise either. I also gave up, lol.

Brandy said...

I think that it is great to even try to make bread, I like to stick to sweets. I love to read but I do not have the time.