Monday, January 28, 2008

A Happy Ending

Well, in the end everything worked out. My bread got a happy home in the trash can. All 5 loaves. Emory was watching me as I dumped them out into the trash and he said, "I guess you're not a Breadmaker after all." LOL It was as if he had read my post! One loaf I had to beat on the floor for it to come out of the pan. No kidding. It was that hard. When I got home today my house reeked out baked sweet potatoes. That was the smell given off by the bread. It wasn't too good. I have my crock pot candle thing turned on now to help rid the smell.

My children were excellent this afternoon. Emory was extra helpful and so good. I was proud of him. He fed the dog and cat, brought the trash and dumped it in the 'master' trash can, and he took his plate to the sink. He did everything I asked of him with a cheerful spirit. He listened as his daddy read to him the story of Samson AND David (Goliath) from the Bible. He sang "Amazing Grace" with his daddy on the piano. I decided to read "Farmer Boy" to Emory and Erin for bedtime story. They wanted me to go on to Ch 2! Erin calls "Almanzo", "Ranzo". Maybe they will stay interested in it. I'm so ready to give up the baby books and move onto some Ch books with them. I can't wait to be reading the Chronicles of Narnia books to them. What fun! Not to leave Erin out, she did set the table, complete with plates and forks.

I cooked my favorite meal tonight, Shrimp Alfredo w/ Penne Pasta. Oh my word, if you are not a garlic lover, then it's not for you. Here's the recipe: 1 stick of butter, 2 cloves of garlic (chopped), 1/4 cup of chopped green onions, 1 cup mushrooms, 1 bag of shrimp (I used the salad much cheaper). Saute all of that. Cook your pasta. Add salt to both. Add your drained pasta to the sauteed mix and add about 1/2 cup of Parmesan cheese. YUM! I served it with toast. I had Asparagus on my menu, but Wal-Mart was out. A salad or sweet potatoes would have been good with it as well. Tomorrow night is BBQ chicken, baked beans, and potato salad. Yeah baby!

I have my Evening routine pretty much settled. When I get home, I usually nurse Evan. Even if he has just had a bottle, he will NOT be pacified until he has mama's milk. After he is playing, I will make up my bed and start a load of clothes (Monday--towels and all non clothing items, Tuesday--mine & husband's clothes, Wednesday--kid's clothes), then I make supper while Evan is playing in high chair, Emory is on computer or playing with toys, Erin is usually on the counter 'helping' me cook. After dinner, Evan goes to bed, Erin goes in the bathtub and I wash dishes. I usually spread out my dish washing because I bathe Erin and then Emory gets in (by himself..yes!) and I bathe him. All the while, I'm watching the clothes, putting in the dryer, etc. Then, the kids get teeth brushed, story read and prayers. They go to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 usually. I would LOVE to get them to bed at 8, but we never seem to make it at that time. After they bathe, I usually finish up the kitchen, sweep, take out trash (cleaned out my vehicle tonight!) and take my bath. Then, it's straight to bed, get on the computer or read. Whew. I love having a routine, tho. It makes the impossible seem possible, ya know?

Well, two blogs in one day! It's 10:30 and I've gotta get up before 6. Spelling Bee tomorrow. NO school for me, just taking kids to the Spelling Bee. We'll have fun. Thanks for reading.


MameyJane said...

Isn't it amazing how much easier a routine makes your day? That's awesome...I don't know many working Moms who have it together...I will remember this if I ever go back to work. I have the entire set of LHOP and Farmer Boy. They are great reads. I could read them again and again! That Em...he is something else, ain't he? :)

Pint-Size Princess said...

I've read both the Little HOuse series and the Chronicles series to the kids, twice. I like to read outloud to them while they play quietly. Now I'm starting to make Asher sit quietly next ot me on the couch (we're reading The Hobbit) when I read before bed, but even then I let him flip through the Bible story book.

Oh, and I love days like that too with my kids! Most days they do really great, they make thier beds, brush their teeth, Asher cleans off the toilet seat, all with no complaining. All goes well until the endof hte day clean-up it seems ;)

Routines make my world go round. I can't imagine raising three kids without them!

Brandy said...

I love reading your blogs, it is like reading a story. I'm so glad that you have a routine, I will be glad when we can get one going. I am going to have to try that recipe it sounds great. Keep posting recipes, I always need new things.