Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Random Musings...

I must have at least 50 posts with that title, but this is exactly what I'm posting about: random things.

First of all, I want to say that God is so extremely good to me. Sometimes, He just reaches down to me in a silent way and places His hand on my shoulder. Sometimes, at the end of the day, I realize that I should have had a nervous breakdown at some point during the day. But, I don't. God helps me through. And it's not half bad either. Sometimes, I hear a song or I get a scripture that comes to mind and I just want to stop and worship God. Today I was erasing my board and the scripture, "I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, MARVELOUS are thy WORKS; and that my soul knoweth right well" just came to me. I just wanted to turn around and tell my class (I wrote it on my bulletin board as part of my theme) Also, all day I've had a song on my mind and I couldn't help but sing it off and on throughout the day (I know my students think I'm a loony bin anyway). It is "I Stand Redeemed". When I get to the part that says, "When He looks at me, He sees the Nail-scarred Hands, that bought My liberty, I stand redeemed", I get chills. I love having the Lord's presence abiding with me not just when I'm at church. Anyway, just wanted to share.

This week I've cooked since Sunday. I love hearing what others have for their supper, so I will post what I've had. One day, I hope I can post what I have for breakfast and lunch. I can't wait to be able to post what I've cooked for my little one's breakfast and lunch. Sunday night, we have Chicken Alfredo w/Rotini Pasta and some homemade bread (which, btw, made great grilled cheese sandwiches Sunday morn). Monday night, I fixed Salmon Patties (I LOVE salmon patties and these were the best yet--1 can Salmon, 1 egg, 3/4 cup bread crumbs, little garlic, salt, pepper, and 1 cup milk..yum), string beans, and potato wedges. Last night, we had steak nuggets, lima beans (I had put them in the crock pot that morning, with some Chicken broth), rice & tomato gravy, and cornbread. My cornbread was delish. It is actually my mom's recipe, but I used buttermilk instead of reg milk. (1 & 1/4 cups of cornmeal--I used freshly ground from my dad--1/4 cup reg flour, 3. tp. baking pwd, 1 tp salt--mix--then add 1/4 cup oil and 1 cup buttermilk) Yum. Tonight is Wednesday night and I'm out of options for quick ideas. It will probably involve 2 slices of bread and chips. :)

I am working on my Home Management Binder. I am totally stoked about this. I have already finished the schedule section and the breakfast/lunch menu ideas section. I can't wait to do the others. I want to work on it at night, but by the time I finish supper dishes, my hubby is on the computer. So, I get my bath and decide to go to bed. I'm usually pretty happy with my decision anyway! Erin hasn't been sleeping well this week. She is not feeling well this week. We decided against giving her the antiobiotics for her infection and have been giving her Goldenseal tea instead. I hope this is working. She is just not herself. She wants Mama all the time. She wants me to sleep with her at night. She lays there for an hour from when we put her in the bed before she falls asleep. She gets up all through the night. She gets in trouble for repeatedly getting up. She cries for me to lay with her. She is disobeying all the time. Even after consistent reprimanding. I have decided that I can't be as gentle with her punishments as I can with Emory to get the point across. I'm consistent, so I know that's what it is. The punishment is not severe enough. I feel wary of what I post because I don't want someone accusing me of abusing my child. Lord knows, the ppl who read this know that I'm not that type. I promise you I never wait until I am angry to discipline. The parent who does is wrong. The child only gets the message, "my parent doesn't like me very much" instead of "my parent loves me enough to teach me what is right". Anyway, I hope this is something she is going to snap out of before long. I think it is a combination of my working, rushing home to cook, start a fire, rush to put milk in the fridge or pump, feed animals, and then I'm cooking supper and having to stretch my time between the three and my chores. If I were AT HOME, then I could, throughout the day give them some of my time. I do try to let her sit on the counter with me while I cook, etc.

I don't want to bribe them into obedience, but I have started a reward system. If I catch them being 'good', then I put a bean in a jar. When the bean jar is full (or they've used up all the beans in the bag) then we will do something special (camp out or see a movie). Emory was getting lots of beans yesterday for helping or not complaining when I asked him to do something. Erin, bless her heart, was so not getting beans. Finally, I watch her get my mop from the foyer and she goes into the living/dining room and begins 'mopping'. She even mops my kitchen. I praise her and tell her what an awesome job she is doing (the mop was like a giant tree compared to her) and she turns around and says, "I'm going to get a bean, I'm a big helper like Mama". Of course, she got a bean. In fact, I snuck around and gave her two! Shh! :)

I'm thrilled to announce that Evan has started enjoying the culinary aspect of family life since the weekend. On Sunday morning, we put him in his high chair and he had breakfast with us. Right now, he has just experienced carrots and rice cereal. I'm just going to do those for a week bf we try anything new. He is loving eating. I've been giving him echinacea in a bottle of water for his cold, and he loves water very well! It is nice having him at the table with us.

Turning cold again! I dare say we will be embracing spring when it arrives! I've got some gardening ideas. (uh Check out my book wish list. You might find some on there that you would like to read. I'm not through with my list as of this posting. Check them out at Amazon.


MameyJane said...

Can't wait to see your HMB. Hope Erin gets to feeling better. Oh, and I left a reply to your comment on my blogspot page. You need to check it out :).

Brandy said...

Sound like you are supermom! I'm glad that you are able to make all that happen.

Pint-Size Princess said...

Wow! I think when you finally get to sahmhood you'll be 10x better than me, and I've been doing it for almost 6 years! I think you're already ahead of me, lol.

I keep thinking I need to blog more, and jsut never get around to it. Maybe I'll try your blog a day thing that you tried (and failed!) in Dec, lol.

Hope Erin feels better soon.