Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Little Leaven for ya!

My first ever bread turned out great. At first it wouldn't rise and I was beginning to think it a failure. Then, I remembered reading something about if it doesn't rise, try kneading it again. Then, I remembered reading somewhere else, if the dough is sticky, add more flour. So, I did both and sure enough, it started rising! The only thing that was wrong is, after punching it back down, I was supposed to let it rise until it had doubled in size. I wasn't patient enough! So, the loaves probably should've been taller. Anyway, we dug into it and half of one loaf is now gone! I now feel like I have finally arrived as a homemaker! LOL Really tho, I don't think I'll ever buy store bought again. This is so much cheaper and tastes better! Not to mention gets your house smelling yummy!


MameyJane said...

Girl, I followed the link to myblessedhome and I am hooked! As soon as we get settled (sigh) wherever, I am buying a binder and getting organized!! I've been both convicted and motivate by reading the stuff on her page. Thanks!

p.s. I am going to make some of that bread, soon.

Brandy said...

You Go Girl! Homemade Bread, will you send me some! He, He. I have just gotten my new stove and I haven't tried any new things out on it. When do I have the time. I guess while Brodie is sleeping but I always go get in bed with him. It is so nice to get a nap.