Monday, January 14, 2008

A Pleasant Monday

I have a few things on my mind, so I thought I'd give ya a blog!

First off, Erin has been complaining when she goes to the potty. Last night, she cried out when she tee-teed, so I knew the time had come to take her to receive medical intervention! I was thrilled to have the day off from school (unprepared for school as I was) and equally thrilled to spend some extra time with my family. For the record, Erin has been super, super ill this weekend. I don't know if it's related to her condition or if it's a new phase. If not, I have a couple of implementations that I'm going to try to improve her behavior. More about those later. Anyway, parts of her privates, undisturbed, have grown together, which is causing bacteria to form (because she isn't getting as clean), irritation, and pain from not having much room to 'go'. Poor girl. I was relieved it wasn't an UTI, and am glad for some natural ways to remedy the situation. We are to bathe her in baking soda and put vaseline on the area to soften the skin. This is supposed to help everything open up.

Well, I guess there's another reason boys are way easier! :) I love my gal, though. She was pretty cute at the doctor's office!

I'm happy to report (Kugoi) that the SuperMom tablets work.....super! I didn't notice a drastic, overnight change, that some have reported, but I have been getting a lot more things done. I really have a new attitude and approach to my housework anyway, so I don't know if that's it. I've started the year with a 'if it needs doing, do it right then' attitude that has really helped me. But, I've really been cleaning and straigtening, doing some purging, etc. I think the vits have helped! I would like to think so. If nothing else, my baby gets colored milk to spice up his feeding times!! :)

I've been reading my Bible more here lately and I can tell you that if you will just make a small effort in doing more for the Lord, you will be amazed at the benefits you will reap. I know this to be true, but it amazes me that every time, it really happens. I started reading more and trying to pray more throughout the day (instead of resolving to not pray at all if I can't spend that blessed hour on my knees...I have weird 'perfectionistic' tendencies like that) and I can feel the Lord so much nearer to me. I'm happy to be back 'together' with his word (after an estranged relationship..haha). God is so good. I feel like we aren't going to 'get off' if we aren't truly ready for His coming, when he does come. I want to have a peace in knowing that I am truly ready with no reservations.

God is good. I want to put Him first and my family second. I can't wait to be at home with my family where God intends for me to be. I have ideas exploding through my head (from homeschooling to scheduling to cooking, etc) that I need God's wisdom to help me make them a success.

Today was a good Monday. Doesn't even seem like Monday. That's when I say it has been good! :)


MameyJane said...

Poor Erin! I have never, ever heard of that before but I am glad y'all got it diagnosed and she will be better soon. No wonder she has been ill. I can tell I feel better since I have started taking prenatals. My face is clearing up, too! I really wanted to do JP with this baby, but I don't think we can afford it right now :(. Share some of your ideas, please! I know they are good ones.

Pint-Size Princess said...

I"m glad you found out what was wrong with Erin. I've heard of it before. I think G has it a little, but it's not closing the opening, just adhereing to the sides, so I'm not too worried about it. I've read that if there are no problems (though with Erin, obviously there are) then it's best to just leave it alone and it usually fixes itself after potty-training and if not then, then at puberty.

I'm so excited about you becoming a sahm. We definatly need to share tips, tricks and ideas!