Friday, January 04, 2008

A bit of a catch up and an actual BLOG..

Little did I know when I said "30 days of nothing" that I would literally mean Basically, my non-posting has resulted from Holiday frenzy, lack of computer, or just so much to blog about that I just don't know where to start, or, nothing to blog about at all. So just a little catching up before I rush outta here to my small, cozy home.

ME: What's going on with me is this: I'm back to work after having a wonderful and so busy Christmas. I really enjoy my job, but I so can't get 'into it' after being off for awhile. I think it's also my being back at school on a Thursday instead of a Monday. I think it is also due to the fact (I hope it's a fact) that this is my last yr teaching, Lord willing. It's not that I don't want to do my best while I'm here, but it's that I so want to be devoting my time to MY little ones and have no energy for other's little ones (my students). They are so patient and kind, I really don't deserve such great students. Anyway, back to pumping, getting up early, and rushing about for supper plans, skimping on the house cleaning, crashing at night, etc. Yup.

I have a sinus infection like none other. I don't remember having so much pain associated with a sinus infection before. Before, it's just been the green, the goot, and the blowing of the nostrils (how's that for graphic?). This time, I have PAIN. Today is Day 5 of jaw-bone-up-to-my-eye pain. So badly that I, who does not take pain meds for frivolous reasons, have succombed to the wonderful relief that 2 Ibuprofens can bring. So far, I have been taking Echinacea (not regularly), Vit C, Juice Plus, and I got some new vits called SuperMoms from yesterday. I have been applying hot compresses to my eyes. Knowing the wonderful properties of garlic, yesterday I went out into the cold elements to dig up some fresh garlic planted by Husband's dear forefathers and ate a whole garlic! I figured I had sinus breath anyway! LOL Immediately, my sinuses were as clear as ever! However, the pain is still there this morning! Oh, well, I'll chew another garlic stalk today. What is there to lose besides breath less than pleasant anyway?

Husband: Well, I have nothing but great things to always say about him. He so came through for me this Christmas, staying up until 5am Christmas morning to download and personally narrate a 2 hour 'broadcast' playing 40 songs that he has sung to me through our years together. All of this was done on a new MP3 playing that he purchased for me. I feel almost as high tech as my 4th graders. Almost.

Emory: Emory is Emory. He is really a mama's boy at times. We got close over the holidays. He still loves to eat, play the computer, and watch his daddy play the playstation. He is really a chip off of his dad's shoulder. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Erin: Now, this gal is a pistil. Last night, she got in trouble for breaking all of the stems on my flowers that I had brought in to save from the 18 degree temps we (gasp) had. I had already warned her. When I asked her why she did it anyway, she announced, "But my elephants had to have something to eat". I was almost crying from my flowers being ruined, but this *almost* brought a smile to my face. I'm sure years from now, I will cherish this memory. She is a joy. I absolutely love the 'terrible' twos. They are wonderful for a well-trained child. She has her moments, but I have the peace of knowing we are being consistent with her discipline and that she will turn out to be a well trained young lady.

Evan: Oh, my sweet baby boy. This little guy has my heart. I mean, even at 3 and 4 am, while I'm rocking him in my cold rocking chair, feeling the draft coming through the window, I love looking into his big, er, huge eyes. I love being responsible for his nourishment. He is amazing. He is squealing and screaming (not fits....yet...ha), is coming up on his arms, rolling over, and teething...still. He is absolutely precious. I would have 10 of him if I could. I'm just in love, sorry! :)

On my mind: Lots of things I could 'blog' about, but something that has been on my mind lately and I'm going to try to work on is, whining. You know, I didn't read the Pearl books until Emory was around 1.5 years old, so I didn't really implement consistent training on him right away. In fact, the other day, I was watching a home video and it was showing Em in the bathtub playing. I gave him some command (I can't remember what it was) and he so totally ignored it. I told him about 3 more times and he didn't pay any attention to it! I couldn't believe I let it go. Now, no way. One command yields one response. Anyway, I have noticed how whiney he is. Especially at his gran gran's (it's true, Amy). It irritates me to no end. As I have been pondering how I can prevent my other children from whining (Erin whines too, a bit), I remember reading something in the Pearl's book about responding to infants and babys before they get to the crying state. Normally, a parent puts a happy baby down to 'play' and what happens? He or she will leave the baby there to play in order to get something done. My exact thoughts have been, 'oh good, he/she is playing happily, I'll go make the bed, start the laundry, sweep the floor, etc'. And, before long, I will hear a little cry at first and I will think, "well let me just get this bed made and I'll go get him, it's not hurting anything for him to cry a little". Well, after the bed has been made, baby's irritation levels have really escalated because mama hasn't met said need of 'I want to be picked up'. So, mama (me, ha) goes over to baby, who is now fussing heavily, picks him up and yeah, things are great. Except for the fact that I've just taught my baby that A. Cry and I'll pick you up and B. I only pick you up when you fuss.

So, what is learned here? Baby learns that the way to get happiness is to Whine (cry, fuss, whatever you want to call it). Got my point?

So the solution (and what I'm trying to implement) is to A. I could go broke, buy me an Ergo carrier (which I want desperately) and carry Evan all day long or B. I could put him down, see how long it normally takes him to whine (I think he will usually play good for about 10 mins before he wants mama), and then allow him to play for half of that time and pick him up while he's happy. I might not get as much done, but if I can prevent him from being TRAINED to whine, then I will not complain (er,

In other words, I meet his needs before they become wants. I pick him up happy. I change him before he becomes fussy. I nurse him to sleep before he cries to be nursed to sleep (I already know he loves being nursed to sleep and will 'fuss' to nurse to sleep). I feed him before he cries out of hunger. I entertain him before he becomes bored into fussiness.

All of this sounds as if I am spoiling him, but in fact, I'm UNspoiling him.

Let me know what you think.

Sorry to be so long...I hope you faithful ones haven't left me! :)


MameyJane said...

Oh, whining (loooong sigh). Elijah is TERRIBLE. I have absolutely no idea how to get him out of it. He whines at any and every "no". I just hope Grace doesn't pick it up. I so do not try as hard with Grace as I did Elijah. I know the results will most likely be disastrous. I think Elijah is doing it so much because we just left Gran-Gran's house. John told him last, "You are not at Gran-Gran's house anymore, young man." Whew. I need to get back to Pearl reading. But I almost dread it because it makes me feel like the most awful and ignorant parent ever!! You will probably work yourself out of the classroom blues pretty soon. You just need to get back into the hang of it. I am SO glad you got to blog again! Missed you!

Pint-Size Princess said...

Hey, I was getting worried about you!

Good luck on conquering the whining. We've got awful around here. It seems to come in cycles and we're at a very bad part of the cycle. So now we get strict against it, and in a few weeks things will be much better, only to slowly start getting worse again...I"m not near as consistant as I need to be. Consistancy is a constant, unabtained goal of mine.

Glad to hear all is going well around there. Let me know how you like the SuperMom vits. I've been wanting ot try them. I've heard wonderful things and they're relativly cheap too, as far as vits go.