Thursday, December 06, 2007


I skipped blogging last night because I was so.incredibly.sleepy! Just two things worthy of posting:

~Erin got her 2nd goose egg on the back of her head in 2 weeks time. Poor baby. I mean you could see it with her hair combed over it! My mom said I used to get the most knots on my head of any child she knew!

~My dear husband brought me home a bag of baked goodies from the Amish bakery. YUM! I could so not eat just one. It was awesome!

~Day 2 of following my Menu Plan: Hamburgers and french fries. I should've just followed my original way of cooking hamburgers. :(


MameyJane said...

I don't use Family Fun magazine, but I coast the internet for great family-friendly recipes. Focusing mainly on crockpot meals if my week is going to be really busy. I plan my meals for two weeks and post the "menu" on the fridge. Then I make my grocery list from the menu. Most of the time the groceries last longer because we eat leftovers some nights. When I make my grocery list, I use index cards. I label each one: Dairy, Frozen, Breakfast, etc., write what I need from each, and place them in order that they are located in WM. This takes a little bit more times, but it makes it SO much easier when I get there. You have got me really impatient for my FamilyFun mag to come in the mail. If it doesn't come soon, I think I am going to call them!

Pint-Size Princess said...

Sorry your hamburgers didn't turn out :( but now you know. It never hurts to try something new.

DiPaolo Home said...

maybe you can help me get organized. I never know what to cook when to cook. And grocery shopping with 2 small children. not that much fun.

MameyJane said...

ok, you've GOT to start blogging again soon!!