Sunday, October 21, 2007

Now it's MY turn.. be sick! I feel awful tonight..throat getting sore, pressure in my head and ears, and a general aching feeling. I'm sure it would help if I would go to bed and get some rest, but, no, I'm here on this blessed internet!

Wanted to post a couple of funnies about my kids. This morning before getting ready for church, Emory got 2 stuffed bears and got behind the recliner. He made us sit on the couch. He put on a puppet show for us, "The Three little Bears". It wa hilarious. When he finished he said, "Now, let's see what our Bible verse is today." Then, he said he would sing a song to end the puppet show and sang "This Little Light of Mine". I was rolling!

Then, today in Booster Band at church, we were singing the song that goes, "If the Devils in the Way, we will run right over him" and when we finished, I made a comment like, "No, we don't want to pick the devil up, we want to just run right over him." And Erin pipes up and says, "No, he's too heavy (to pick up). " It was hilarious! Kids, kids!!

This week, I aim to go to bed a little earlier, read and pray on my knees every day and get to work earlier. I also would like to stop and 'smell the roses' a little with my kids. Play outside together. Something like that. Life is so short!

Ouch. my. throat. hurts.


MameyJane said...

I bet them collards were smelling right, huh? :)I aspire to be more healthy, although I am not on your level. It's nice to know I have someone in my family I can ask advice about stuff that I am not sure about though (pertaining to healthy food). We do pretty good--no junk food, only wheat bread and wheat pasta. The only thing "white" we eat are potatoes and rice. My kids see junk food and go bolisitic, bc they don't get it at home! Thanks for the encouragement.