Saturday, October 27, 2007

Feel a little blog coming on...

Mostly this will be about random things...

*Went to Walmart last night and spent the most I have ever spent at Wally World: $215.00! *Gulp*. But, I got me a new baby carrier and it's by Jeep! I want and crave an Ergo Baby Carrier, but one from WalMart will do for now. I put Evan in it and he was perfect while we shopped! I also buy about 98% all organic foods which are pricier, but I don't care, it's the best for my family! I even bought some organic caramel apple dip last night! Yum! I love how they are getting more and more organics at Walmart. This morning I took a bath and bathed with my Burt's Bees Organic Peppermint Soap, used my Burt's Bees Organic Peppermint and Honey Lotion, ate my Roasted Pumpkin and raisin organic cereal with Organic Milk, and I'm feeling pretty healthy!! :) I get the beauty products from GNC, not Wal-Mart. I love pure and wholesome foods and products on and in my body. There is no doubt that cancer is caused by foreign substances being put on and in our bodies. Also, I'm not sure about vaccines. I do not feel comfortable injecting foreign substances in the body of my pure baby to ensure he doesn't get a disease that is not even in existence right now. For, "just in case". Nope. Evan hasn't had any vaccines and never will unless his daddy and I feel that it is pertinent (in the event of natural disaster, etc.) Erin hasn't gotten any past 6 months old either. For those reading my blog, there is plenty of research out there on the web against vaccines. Anyway, I don't trust doctors at ALL. That is a part of my being crunchy, I guess. I know that we aren't exempt from things, or immortal for that matter, I just love being as healthy as possible for me and my family. And for us that means, breastfeeding, eating organics as much as possible, using herbs, and no vaccinations. Enuf said? :)

*The weather is beautiful today; brisk and a bit cool. I look forward to getting my house straightened and heading outside. I need to pick up pecans and whatever else. There is plenty to do always! I also think I will wash clothes and hang them out instead of drying them. This evening we have 2 cookouts/ fall festivities to go to and I'm excited about those. Have a new recipe for Pumpkin Cheesecake Brownies that I'm going to try. I'll share the recipe if they turn out.

Have a gorgeous fall! I'm leaving you with 2 pictures: one of my fall centerpiece, and the other of my fall produce from my garden: collards!! :)