Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Impromptu Shopping

This weekend at our singing, a very kind elderly gentleman came up, hugged me, and slipped me a $100 bill. I thought my singing sucked, but obviously it was worth $100 to him. That or he felt sorry for me..LOL. He told me to spend it on myself, so I did, guiltlessly. Almost. I kept thinking about how Evan needs a new carseat and how that would go good on a Pack N Play, but then I remembered my closet and the guilt almost vanished.

Impromptu Shopping is defined as shopping with one baby strapped to your chest via carrier and another toddler in the buggy. It is grabbing things off of the rack at ONE store, briefly looking at the price and the size, and throwing it in the buggy. It also involves trying items on when one gets home and finding out that nothing fits right. At all. I was looking for casual skirts and shirts since my last guilty purchase was a dressy outfit, but I couldn't find anything but black. I have tons of black least 4.. that's tons for a skirt. I found two dresses that I can breastfeed in, relatively cute, if you like the new crisscross top, knit dress era, show-every-inch-of-flab type dress. I even got the cutest pumps to go with the dresses. Even a headband. The dresses are 3 sizes bigger than what I wore when I got married. The verdict. Still too snug.

The shoes wouldn't even go on my feet.

Incentive for a new diet: go shopping!


Brandy said...

I understand where you are comming from. I just clean out one of my closets and I sent all of it to Brittany. I have no winter clothes, that is the truth. I was pregnant last winter so no need to buy clothes and now I can't fit in the ones that I had two winters back. Nothing fits the same anymore and I do not want to go shopping.

MameyJane said...

Is it amazing that after you have a baby, you could weight exactly the same, but the clothes you were at that weight prior the baby still do not fit! I feel you, sister! (lots of laughs on this one).