Monday, September 17, 2007

Nolstagia and Neighbors

Last night husband and I got out the old video camera and looked at some footage of Emory from when he was about 1.5 yrs old. I had not viewed this tape in a couple of years, so it was very sentimental to look at it. He was so little, could barely talk and was saying, "Cheese" the whole time at the camera. We have footage of him saying the Blessing that is precious. I held back my emotions, but it was hard. I can't believe he is four years old now. I am so pleased with how he has turned out. Even though he is just four, his 'makeup' for the rest of his life has already been established. He already has his outlook on life. Scary, huh? I pray every day and every time I pray that God gives me wisdom to teach my children, love them unconditionally, and to be ever so patient with them. I don't ever want to offend one of His little ones. I do want to discipline him when he needs it, but heap love on him while administering the discipline. Anyway, after watching the video, I wanted to go to his room and love on him a little bit. I refrained, but this morning at 3 am when he came in our room and wanted water, I was ever so glad to get it for him. I tucked him back into bed more gently than normal. I placed an extra kiss on his check as I pulled the covers around him. Fact: my son is growing up.

The neighbor kids came up to play today. Emory had a blast with them. I mean, really enjoyed himself. They played in the yard, all the games we used to play as a child (Red rover, Hide and Seek, etc). It was refreshing to see him (and Erin) having such a good time. The only downside to this is the family is not professing Christians. I heard the little boy use God's name in vain one time. I prayed that mine would not catch on to it. I also hoped that they wouldn't notice the father smoking five cigarettes in the time they were playing. I want them to play with these kids and I would love to reach the family for Christ, but I don't want my kids learning about things or saying things they shouldn't. Or especially seeing lifestyles that they aren't accustomed to. I pray that I get wisdom about what to do. I just know we can never be too careful even though people seem to be as nice a people as you could find.

The sun is going down early and temps are lowering. It's so nice. I'm so glad for peace in my home. Thank you God for peace. He is good to us ALL.

Need to go pump a little milk for my ever growing nursling. I'm so in love with him it hurts! Babies are the most precious gifts in the world. Hands down.

Good night!


MameyJane said...

Hey Girl! Yes, they do grow up fast, don't they? I have the same concerns as you do about my kids and the people they are around. John's Dad and step-Mom are not Christians and they love to have Elijah come and stay with them, but I worry about the same things you mentioned. Also, we have some friends (good, Baptist) but they just do not hold to the same standards as we and I worry about attitudes and such. I wonder if I am being too over protective? Thx for the blog.

Natural Mama said...

I don't think one can be too overprotective these days, Amy. I actually HOPE I'm sheltering my kids. Somethings I hope they NEVER find out about. Of course I don't want to gloss over sin or anything like that, you kwim, I'm sure.

Love ya!