Saturday, September 15, 2007

Naptime. Nudity, and a New Season

Someone should write a new horror movie entitled, "Naptime on Cooper St.". I sometimes forget what naptime (or non naptime) was like when Emory was a toddler. When I do have flashbacks, I remember being frustrated to the nth degree and it taking forever for him to go to sleep and for my frustration levels to return to normal. Now, I don't get quite so frustrated because I have a different method of parenting (never allow them to get up for no reason) and I take care of the 'issue' before I get frustrated. Still, the naptime nightmare is here most of the time. My darling hard-headed, albeit sweet, daughter loves to take her precious time to go to sleep. She is almost always the last one to drift off between the two. She can think of excuses to get up with the best of them. Punishment doesn't scare her, it's a challenge. Now, that I've typed that, I think she's finally drifted off....yay.

My son is getting interested in parts, if you kwim. He is quite an aspiring young artist and draws on his drawing board several times a day. The other night, he had drawn something on his board. I, thinking, it was fried eggs, or a belly button or something, suggested so. He replied, "No, it's two Nekases (his word for breasts) and a tallywacker". Oh my. Of course, I laughed. I could not help myself. Later, I showed Dh and he had to go out of the room to hide his laughter. When he had composed himself, he had to have a little talk with him about how we don't draw our privates. Oh my.

I smell fall in the air. I'm loving it. The temps are great today. I'll leave you with a picture I took that reminds me of fall.

Off to pick up the fussing baby...


Pint-Size Princess said...

Yay!! YOu're back!

That is too funny about the Nakeses and tallywacker!

MameyJane said...

Woo-hoo! I'm so glad you are back to blogging! Where in the WORLD did he get "Nakeses" or should I even have to ask? And I love the looks like something that should be painted in oil! Love ya.