Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More Goat Milk, Please?

Once or twice a week, I don't have enough milk to give to my mom to feed Evan. I'm in a hurry to pump or just low supply, I guess, and don't get but 2 or 3 oz per pumping session. He is drinking about 4 ounces now to be satisfied. My mom is giving him raw goat milk to supplement him. Today she had to give him an entire bottle of goat milk because he wanted to eat right before it was time for me to arrive. She said he was so calm afterward and even went to sleep on his own (that's a first or second)! Goat milk is an excellent (and better) alternative to formula. It has fewer proteins so our tummies don't have to work as hard to break them down. I know regular milk makes me feel gassy, but goat milk with my cereal digests just fine! Anyway, it sounds like I have an answer to my what-if-I-run-out-of-milk-but-don't-want-to-use-formula problem.

A prayer was answered for a dear friend of mine recently. I'm rejoicing in God's goodness tonight. His ways are not our ways! God is great! All I'm gonna post tonight...Dh is doing the rocking so I can blog. Evan is fussing with him. Wanted to add a pic but it will take too long. Try to upload it tomorrow. Goodnight....