Friday, September 21, 2007

Compliments, Changes, and Challenges

The other day I saw a lady that I am acquainted with, but not close friends with (I hate ending sentences with prepostions). This lady is always so put together. She is not beautiful, per se, but she is always dressed so neatly, her toes and fingernails are always done, her hair is always shining and looks freshly combed. Get what I mean? She is really sweet, too, so that becomes her looks. For some reason, I just wanted to compliment her, but I felt strange about doing so. Do you ever do that? Then, on my drive home, I was thinking. If someone wanted to compliment me, I would love for them to not refrain from doing so! What does a compliment do to a woman? Boost her self esteem, makes her feel wonderful about herself, etc. What is it about us women that keeps us from complimenting each other? Is it pride or is it just because we might feel weird? I think it can be both. In this case, I didn't know the lady very well, so I didn't compliment her because I felt weird about doing so (she doesn't know me very well, she might think I'm gay or There has been times I haven't complimented close friends or family because of pride. I guess I didn't want to give them the satisfaction that they looked good or something. Does that make sense? I'm awfully ashamed to admit that. The bottom line is, I hope I do better at complimenting. When I feel like complimenting, I'm going to really try to do so. I wish someone would compliment me if they feel like it. I promise I wouldn't think they were gay! LOL

We are doing some changes to our house tomorrow--putting on a new roof. I'm excited about the final project, but I'm not excited about having 20 men (who are NOT my husband or Matt Damon, lol) being on my roof hammering all day long. I am grateful, though, for the generous help of the men from our church. Praise the Lord for friends!

My class is a challenge this year. I have whiners, slow learners, tattle-tales, and 'teachers'. It is going to be quite a ride this year. I'm sure I'll grow to love them all, but I'm going to need special prayer to handle it the way that would be pleasing to the Lord. I don't dare want to offend one of the little ones as the scripture says.

Have a great weekend! Comments welcomed!


MameyJane said...

Don't you hate it when you see the big fat "0 comments"?! I do! I totally agree about the compliments thing. There are some people who I wonder, "Would it KILL you to give me a compliment?" I always try to compliment people. I am so excited that y'all are getting a new roof. It will no doubt make a big difference with winter. Hope you have a good weekend.
