Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I Love my kids!

For once, I'm not speaking about MY kids. I'm talking about my students. Today, at chapel, when I saw my students edging closer to me for prayer, I realized just how much I love these kids. I was instantly convicted that I don't pray for my students everyday. I'm going to make an effort to pray for them both collectively and individually. Speaking of chapel, we have it every other Wednesday at my school. It is usually wonderful and today was no exception. We had the black-light puppets, a game, a memory verse, songs, and a message. By the end, the kids are going to the 'altar' in droves. It is wonderful. The tears are flowing and they are so sincere. I pray they find what they need while their hearts are young and tender. The world is so cold and dark. Peer pressure looms ahead. Reality says that most of them will become parents too early, involved in drugs, and/or being in a divorce. I do love them all and really care for them.

On a lighter note, we do have a lot of fun in the classroom. I have this one student who is always blaming his neighbor for 'cutting the cheese', farting, or being gassy. He is so funny. I'm enjoying teaching them and have a lot of fun as well. I talk through their math problems being silly. They come up to my desk and explain the math problem to me using the same silly techniques I do. One mom told me that she was going over rounding numbers with her little girl. She said the little girl was saying, "Okay, I have to go over to my neighbor, knock on the door, and say, Neighbor, are you five or greater?" LOL That is exactly the way I taught it to them on the board. Today, I taught them subtraction w/borrowing by us 'loaning chickens to our neighbors next door' or 'giving away a child to the neighbor'. (You know borrowing and putting a one in the place value, etc.) A little girl came up to my desk and was saying to herself, "Okay, I have to give this neighbor one" LOL. I love my job.

Then, I come home and my babies at home keep so much joy in my life. Last night, Bradley was all into talking spiritually to Emory about God having a plan for his life, he has special talents God gave him, etc. etc. I mean he was really into it and Emory had been listening for 5 minutes. All of the sudden Emory said, "Well, I like PBS Kids and that's a gift". LOL I thought I would die. And just today, Bradley threw a ball at Emory (just playing) and it landed in his cereal. Emory took it personally and was quite upset that the cereal was everywhere. Bradley apologized and Erin piped up (from the kitchen) and said, "Daddy, you know Jesus saw you do that". LOL

My students won't be so cute to me tomorrow if I don't get into bed. It's almost 12. What am I thinking?!?


MameyJane said...

Lots of laughs from this one!!