Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bad experiences and good results

Well, my baby is 8 weeks old today. As I sit here, typing one-handed, holding his spoiled self, I can't imagine life being any sweeter. He is now 15 pounds and has a 6 month outfit on now. He loves being held, being outside, mama's milk, mama, in general, and baths. He hates carseats, changing clothes, and being put down. He still screams and cries bloody murder while in his carseat about 9 trips out of 10. He won't lay down and 'play' for more than 5-10 minutes at a time. Things are better though. He no longer has colic at nighttime. He is sleeping until 5:30 and sometimes after 7! Praise God for that! He has been cooing for about 2 weeks now. His behaviors are very predictable and I'm enjoying that. That will change before too long! LOL

A couple of nights ago, I was thinking about my hospital experience and it really depressed me. I mean seriously. I was crying and downright angry at my birth experience. I've not blogged about it, but between the delivery nurse getting up in my face telling me to calm down that I was upsetting everyone on the floor to my meals never being right, it was horrible. The anthesthesiologist (I know I won't spell that right) arriving after 8, when I asked for an epidural at 6:30, my excruciating pain that caused my husband to break down crying in the waiting room (after I told him to 'please kill me'), the cafeteria ladies leaving the tray of food across the room, expecting me and my 12 inch gash up my butt to walk over and get it, the wayyy less than friendly OB who put me into a panic by saying, We have GOT to get this baby out now, the awful vein that blew when the blood pressure cuff came on, the same said nurse who forgot to empty my bladder until a nurse, thankfully, asked me if she had (about an hour after birth) and I said No (she got out a deep tupperware-type bowl full), having to be 'checked' 80 times by various people, having no one except my husband to sympathize with my excruciating pain, but most of all I will never forget the pain. The pain that comes with going from having natural contractions to water-breaking and Pitocin jacked up contractions. I will never forget it. And, having people coming in and out of the room while you are dying and they are doing nothing about it. Me saying I can't breathe (and I couldn't..hello, I had asthma written on my papers) and having them ignore me. Well, it was horrible. The only 2 good things that came from the hospital were that my son's circumcision went well and they didn't give us a lot of junk about not vaxing him. That was nice. Anyway...I had more typed but lost most of it. He is awake...More later.


Pint-Size Princess said...

Oh Mon ((((hugs)))) I am so very sorry your birth went so poorly. I hate the way most hospitals manage births. DH and I are looking at what our options will be for the next baby and it looks like we'll either have to get an illegal midwife or use a hospital. For moral reasons we don't want to use an illegal midwife, but man how I want to avoid another hospital birth. And I've never really even had a "horrible" hospital birth. Sure one ended in c-section, but the "service" wasn't horrible. I'm mad for you. I hope you are able to work past it. It took me a long time (and another birth) to get over my c-section, and I still get mad if I dwell on it too long. (((hugs)))

MameyJane said...

Dear child, please tell me these experiences were from the combo of all three and not all in one! I would have been writing a 10-page complaint report. Believe me! It was bad with Grace, from the C-section to the food to the denial of a pain pump to the procrastination of the staff. And believe me, I let them know about it on paper! But mine was NOTHING compared to yours!! I am soooo sorry. I had no idea!