Thursday, June 28, 2007

36 week update and anything else I have to say

The main thing that is different about this week is nerve pain in my lower regions. I read in my pregnancy book last night that it means the head is down and when the baby turns his/her head it can scrape the pelvic floor. It is really, really uncomfortable. In fact it is happening now. OUCH. I doubt it's nerve pain, but it feels like it. I was just screaming out, OUCH, so Emory comes over and speaks to the baby quite sternly to stop hurting his mommy's tummy! :) LOL

My kids didn't want to nap today at all. It took Erin about an hour to go to sleep and Emory has never gone to sleep. He laid in his bed for over 2 hours. He is playing "Duck, Duck, Goose" with his invisible friend, I guess. It is so hot outside that I showed he and Erin how to play dodge ball and Duck, Duck Goose. They enjoyed playing that and everything was fine until I tripped and fell!

All of my chores are done today except I'm still washing clothes. Not knowing when this baby is coming is keeping me motivated to do my housework first. I do stop and play with the kids. Today we put about 4 puzzles together and then played the new games I introduced to them. Dh called to say he didn't want supper so I assume the kids and I will just eat leftovers.

Tomorrow is payday and Boy is it ever due. This has been a lean week if I've ever seen one. I'm not even going anywhere because I can't buy gas. I've been riding on fumes for a week! Just one of those weeks! God is still good. We have everything we need.

Not much else going on. I need to start blogging about topics in particular. Not much has got my attn lately, I'm just carefree in this pregnancy. Well, Emory is tying up my hand with some beads so it's hard to type, ya know.


Sonya Dyess said...

Hey Monica,
Girl,I love reading your blogs.I wondered if there was anyone else out there that lived paycheck to paycheck and rode on fumes for a week cause you didn't have money to buy gas.LOL!!! But Like you said,God is still good!!! Anyway,I just thought I would come by and tell you how much I enjoy reading your blogs.I loved the blog where you told about Emory asking about your china.LOL!!! I thought I would roll in the floor laughing.Honey Kids will kill you with their words sometimes.Well,I'm off to bed.Me and my sister in law Lisa are taking the kids to the Jackson Country Club tomorrow to go swimming so I have a full day tomorrow.

Love ya,

Natural Mama said...

Thanks for the comment, Sonya! Have fun swimming! Talk to you later, sis!

MameyJane said...

Hang in there, girl! I know it seems like it will NEVER end, but don't lose hope. And be careful with those falls!! Elijah is calling out "Monica, Monica, Monica" since he saw your pic. He often brings up your name just out of the blue..I think he really enjoyed getting to stay with you during youth camp. Well, I'm off to check more blogs!

Pint-Size Princess said...

36wks!! Anytime now. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to read the birht announcement!

I taught my kids how to play hide-n-seek last week, but they still don't quite get it. DS got frustrated b/c he had to acutally LOOK for me! lol