Saturday, November 18, 2006

360 degree turnaround

Last night, I slept with Em for two reasons. 1. I felt the need to be close to him and 2. I wanted to help keep him warm. We have an old, drafty house and Emory's room doesn't have a heater in it. We have those small portable heaters, but I do not feel that he's safe with one of those in his room. So, we just dress him warmly and put lots of covers on him, including a fleece blanket. This morning, we were so connected and have had a great day so far!! He is such a joy today! I feel better today, too, so that helps tons I'm sure. I've heard that old adage, "When mom's in a bad mood, the whole family is in a bad mood." Yikes, that's scary to know the family's outlook depends on mine so much. I think it's true, though.

Some cute Emoryisms from this morning: "Mom, do you have a China?"
Me: "Huh?" "What do you mean?"
Emory: "You know, girls have a China"
Me, flabbergasted: "OH" "Yeah, I have a China"

I cannot believe my 3 yr old is asking if I have a vagina. Yikes! I heard years ago on Family Life Today that we shouldn't refer to our privates with embarrassment or make pet names for them. That just makes kids more curious and will cause them not to be comfortable with being who God made them (to a small extent). Anyway, Emory knows just what he 'has' and he knows what sister 'has'. I don't want him to get 13 and realize that his 'tallywacker' (MIL's term) suddenly has another name. Anyway....

Last night I made Spiced Apple Cupcakes w/cream cheese frosting (totally organic, minus the frosting). This morning, Emory sits up straight in bed and says, "Come on, let's go get some fresh cupcakes!" Hilarious!

I really feel pregnant today. Cramps have subsided some and I have this heavy feeling in my lower abdomen. We are going to Meridian tonight so I will get me a test. I can't stand not knowing.

Last night, I stayed up a bit researching Unassisted Childbirth. I really, really am interested in this. Doing what our bodies naturally are designed to do without intervention. I know the hospital has saved thousands of mamas from dying, but the hospitals so take away from the natural rhythm of what your body is supposed to do. First of all, you walk in and they stick Pitocin on you. I'll wager that 95% of labors are 'aided' with Mr. Pit. If someone else out there finds a true statistic, Email it to me. Then, the Pitocin causes excruciating pain (been there...twice) which makes the anesthesiologist very happy ($$) and you, too. Finally, all of this intervention sometimes (a whopping 50%) results in a C-section, which makes the surgeon happy ($$), but could have easily been prevented. Not to mention, after baby is born, he or she is stuck with needles to 'check for sugar' (they did Emory constantly b/c he was so big) or prick the heel, or delay breastfeeding, and load them up with vaccines before they are days old. So, you go from having this perfectly healthy baby, to a seemingly healthy baby loading with chemicals we 'have' to put in him.

I hate it all. I want to be in control of MY body and let nature take care of what is normal for me and my baby. I am just curious about an unassisted childbirth. I am a woman. I am strong. I hold my family together (with God's help, of course), I can do this. Women have birth for ages unassisted. Sure, some died, but that was predicted in the Bible. The Bible also says somewhere about a woman being 'saved in childbearing'. Will have to look it up later....

As for the pain, nothing could max what I felt with Emory and Erin. I had an epidural, but I was 8 cm with both of them and had Pit. The pain doesn't scare me at all.

I'm so jumping around, but you know that in some parts of Africa, women just go out into the woods, squat, and have their baby? That is amazing and so natural to me. These women are my heroes. American women are such sissies. Medical intervention makes us all sissies. We don't want to use natural herbs to cure ourselves, eat naturally, birth naturally, use natural products, etc. We want what the doctor says is best. Ick. It's like a bad taste in my mouth.

It is a beautiful day outside. Emory is hanging out with Dad now, Erin is sleeping, and I'm about to clean up a bit and head outdoors for a little sunshine. Can't say I will be raking up 12 piles like I did last Saturday! It was fun, though.
