Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Whew..all in a day's work...

Ever had one of those days where you look back, with your tongue hanging out, and think, "How on earth did I survive today?" If you're a SAHM, I'm sure you have. Today was such a day for me! Here is a brief recap, not in any particular order:
Awoke around 6:30
Washed, dried, folded, and put away (hung out 1 load) 3 loads of clothes
Fed pets various scraps of food throughout the day, filled their pail up with water
Picked up dirty clothes from the bathroom, briefly straightened it
Washed dishes TWICE which consisted of about 6 'loads' of dishes in all
Wiped counters & stove down twice
Swept kitchen floor twice
Cooked 3 meals (Breakfast, biscuits/jelly; Dinner, Chicken n' Noodles--leftovers/Crackers/Peaches; Supper, Tomato Gravy/Rice, Sausage, Biscuits, Corn, Sweet Potato Casserole)
Wiped off dining room table three times
Swept up under table twice (think Play doh and pieces of biscuit and corn everywhere)
Swept living room twice (think Pea hulls everywhere)
Oversaw kids putting away toys in living room twice
Oversaw the cleaning of kids' room and participated
Changed out at least 5 pairs of underwear on youngest son (I'm going 'cold turkey' with the potty training!! But, I was so happy that tonight he got out of the bathtub to tell me he had to go "tee tee'!)
Said "Good Job" at least 6 or more times
Oversaw at least 7 or 8 trips to the restroom
Broke up at least 4 sibling squabbles
Comforted at least 2 or 3 boo-boos
Heard at least a dozen whinings
Lost patience a couple of times
Got hugs and I'm sorries from kiddos
Fulfilled the scriptures regarding the discipling of your children at least 3 or 4 times
Read at least 5 books, one of them over and over ("My Potty Book" as requested by youngest son)
Shelled at least 6 bowls of peas
Put up at least 10 bags of peas
Picked up numerous peas off of floor
Rescued at least 100 peas from youngest son's grasp
Took at least 5 various objects out of youngest son's mouth (what is the deal???)
Read 4 chapters from the Bible (while shelling peas)
Got out of pajamas after 12 pm
Brushed teeth around 4pm (thankfully we didn't see anyone before then)
Answered about 5 phone calls]
Never put on shoes
Never brushed and styled hair
Took a 20 minute nap with youngest son
Bathed and dressed two kiddos, brushed teeth, said prayers, and turned out lights
Took 5 minute bath
Collapsed in chair at 12:30am
Peas still cooling.............



MameyJane said...

Wow. And your how many weeks pregnant? I've attempted to call and check on how you're feeling, but I haven't got through to you. Maybe I shoulda called yesterday (5 phone calls answered). :)

Anonymous said...

You go girl. I wrote a similare post at my new blog on Monday. Funny. You take care.