Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday's My Day

Yesterday I did a "My Day" post. This is a typical day for us. To enjoy this photo session, scroll all the way down until you see, My Day Part one. You will have to read from the bottom up. I'm sorry for this and worked hard to prevent this, but it still happened.

Thanks for looking!
Have a blessed day,
Natural Mama


MameyJane said...

Loved this! It looks like a lot of picture taking went on during your Monday.

Sondra! said...

I LOVED your post. It's good to see that we aren't the only ones who have days that don't go perfectly on schedule. That's the beauty of a family. The "off" days are the best ones, I think!

It is obvious that you love your family and I think it is WONDERFUL!!

I'm trying to figure out how to put the pictures in the order I want them on the blog. I can't do it, either. I did figure that if I load the pics first then I can put the curser between the pics and put a caption. I am pretty pitiful at the blogging so far.

Have a Terrific Tuesday!

Brandy said...

Wow! Looks like you had a very busy day. I love all the pictures, it is nice to know that everyone's house is not always perfect.