Saturday, August 09, 2008


I have several things that I am/have been working on in the past 2 days. First of all, I organized our schoolwork a bit. I have a filing system going and have organized the kids' papers. Secondly, I have been whittling away at the clutter in our second spare bedroom. It is a very slow process because it has been a year since I've decluttered that room. The kids have gone through lots of sizes, toys, etc. since then. It is a catch all room until I have time to organize. Third, I have been repainting an old (but very cute) table that we had our in our storage shed. It will be a perfect table for us to do homeschooling at. It is being painted red. I hope to get a new memory card in my camera and I can take a picture. An extenuation of that project is that I'm working on converting our #1 spare (tiny) bedroom into our homeschooling room. I have lots of ideas that I hope to get on paper within the next day or so. I'm also working on getting our grass mowed before the day is over. I have about 15 minutes worth left. Last, I hope to start composing a very nice song book that we can utilize in all our services.

Well, I better go before I think of more. The kids are asleep so I'd better get with one of my projects! Oops...also we have campmeeting all week (even during the day) at our church next week and I hope to get all of our ironing done. Looks like another late night tonight (last night's was spent in prayer...oh, I had a great prayer meeting--God is wonderful)!

God Bless!


Pint-Size Princess said...

Have fun with all your projects! We're finishing up our yardsale here, I'm also trying to get the house back in order after DH's vacation. And to top things off, I just started Organized Thanksgiving. Have you heard of Organized Christmas? If not, you should Google it. The author takes all those crazy holiday chores and seperates them into weeks so you don't have to do squash it all in the end. Well we don't celebrate Christmas, but we want to do up Thanksgiving a bit more this year, with holiday baking and such, and then the kids all have thier bdays, so I still have all the present buying to do...So I took Organized Christmas and tweaked it so I'll have it all done by Thanksgiving, and then hopefully I'll only have to maintain until the baby is born.