Monday, December 03, 2007

Two Things...

Okay, sometimes I don't have the blogging take-over It's hard for me to come up with something, but here goes.

*I'm in a reading contest with two of my best readers in my class. They already have about 80-100 points for the year and I just started! My points are around 11. Ha! So far, I have read : "Blubber" by Judy Blume, The Hardy Boys, "The Secret of the Old Mill" by Franklin Dixon, and I'm currently reading, "The Lion Boy". It is worth 8 points. I'm really into this contest. I love to read but have basically stopped since my children have been born (besides the occasional novel..once per yr). I have found over the past 2 weeks that I can squeeze in reading!

*If you don't subscribe to FamilyFun Magazine, you should. I get the biweekly Email with craft ideas and menus. They have a month's worth of meals complete with doable recipes. I'm gonna try it for a week. Let you know. It just might be the answer to my 'what to cook' dilemma that I face nightly.

Well, Evan is fussing in my arms and Emory is waiting for the computer, so that's it. Hey, I came up with something to post didn't I?


Pint-Size Princess said...

I love familyfun magazine! I'll have to check out that e-mail list. You shoul check out menus4moms. I used it for a while and now I'm trying out all my favs on dh. It can be hit and miss some weeks with her, but it was worth it for the great hits.

MameyJane said...

I actually ordered that mag about 4 weeks ago. I hope I get it before we move again! You're doing great on the blogging every day thing. I love it!