Sunday, December 02, 2007

Birthday Emory

My firstborn turned 5 today! We let him sleep in this was apparent he needed too. The weather was sooo extremely warm and humid today! Not at all what it was when I birthed him. I am so glad I didn't leave heaters on at the house. In fact, I have 2 air conditioners currently running. Snowstorms in the NW and 80 degree temps here! Gotta love the South.

Got my aunt to make a schoolbus cake and it is so cute (pix to follow). I had a recipe for one and was feeling all Martha, but I knew my time and energies would be stretched. We were going to have a small party after church, but some had made other plans, so it was family only (Nana and Grandpa to come later to see him blow out the candles). We had a nice junk food fest--hotdogs & chips (which is rare, but special occasion, ya know) and cupcakes. I'm sure I'll post pix in a few minutes.

It is sooo good to be home!! Even if there was a roach in my sink (Amy) and the dishes had gotten smelly (spontaneous trip), it was still good to be home. I love home! Vacation is good for something other than making's for appreciating home! Now I must go face the mountain of dirty clothes!

Emory has just announced that he is bathing himself (wow, growing up right on time) and I smell the soap all the way in the living room, so I'd better check on him!

Wow, he put his bath toys in the basket, dried off himself, AND clothed himself! Oh no! Too much independence means I'll be ready for another baby soon. JUST KIDDING! I'm proud, though!! :)