What has been going on with us...
Me: This week was report card week so I was pretty busy getting my papers graded, keyed in, and just a general making sure that everything was set for report cards. It was a hectic time, but when it is over, the relief equals the relief that you get from finishing a term paper and handing it in (I SO remember those feelings). I still love my job. I absolutely love teaching and am really protective when it comes to my classroom and my students. My students and I have a special bond (well, we are working on it with my high school class). They love me and I love them. If they don't love me, they are puttin' up a good front! I mean, they are kids, sure, and they act like kids, but I love that! We started something new today in reading, "Story Squad" and they are all excited, which I love to see! Anyway....what else? I'm still working on the clutter in our home. My goal is 500 items either thrown away, put in yard sale, or Salvation Army. I know now why it's called, Salvation Army, because it SAVES my sanity! :) I'm working on the kid's rooms this week. My goal is 75 items this week. From junk toys (broken pieces or broken toys) to clothes that I just won't ever put on them (like, non-functional clothes..ex. leggings for Erin, I mean, really...), it's looking (and feeling) good. Let's see...what else? This week I lost a couple of pounds by not eating in between meals and just not stuffing myself. My clothes are fitting better this week! I ate TWO Patty Melt Sandwiches today for lunch, so I'm not so sure the scales will say what it did this morning. What else??? Still breastfeeding and I'm glued to a pump at school (3 times a day). Dedication, baby, dedication. I wouldn't have it any other way for my baby. It's hard work, that's for sure. Boring, too. Pumping milk from your body for 15 minutes or more, 3 times a day. Enough about me!
Husband: Job is going well...getting raises every so often. He makes twice what I make, so that's pretty depressing for me, now! haha He is out of town for a couple of nights a month, so that's not fun, but I DO get to rest well all night. Now I know it's not the baby keeping me up at night, it's my husband's tossing and turning! I do miss him while he is gone. He is a big help with the kids, too. He's the bestest and loves me so much. I don't ever know why!! We had a good time outside today, hanging out, shooting the BB gun, walking up to the cemetary. Yeah...get this mental picture...husband, wife, 3 kids, and husband carrying a gun, walking to the cemetary. LOL Got the picture? We must've been a sight. It's a wonder that the cops didn't come. Oh, and on the way back, I carried the baby AND the dog (to prevent her death from chasing cars). We have a lotta fun!
Emory: He is getting to be such a nice boy, a great helper, and just a sweetheart. He has good manners and I'm so proud of him. He is my artist! His pictures are better than mine! He is showing an interest in reading and I can't wait to teach him more. He is recognizing his sounds/letter patterns. He's maintaining his weight now, which is good. Getting taller is helping also! Still LOVES to eat, though! :)
Erin: My beautiful daughter is the smartest thing I know! She talks as well as a grown up! She is showing a huge interests in puzzles this week. As I type, there are about 5 puzzles on my living room floor that she has tried to put together, being successful at a couple. I'm amazed! She loves animals (esp dogs and elephants), chips, and scratching my neck. She also loves to suck in her lip WHILE scratching my neck. She's a big girl.
Evan: My this boy is growing. I haven't weighed him in forever. He is wearing some 6 mos clothes now! He is the cutest thing I've seen and is keeping his dark hair and features. He is 'talking', laughing, and loves to gnaw on his hands. I think he might be teething! He still loves mama and I'm so blessed to have him.
I can't imagine being done with having kids even though some look at me crazy when I say I want more. I look at them crazy for only wanting one or two, so we have a mutual respect for one another! LOL We have the best time as a family and babies are just too fun!! I already think about having another baby and what he or she will be like. Of course, I'd rather wait a little bit longer! :)
Enough rambling! What is going on with you?
Find Your Fight Song And Sing It
8 years ago
That is hilarious about Evan scratching your neck! Mom is always telling me how Erin likes to pick at her moles! lol...oh the things they do! I wish I could've seen y'all walk to the cemetery. But I have to confess I used to enjoy romps in that cemetery. Darla and I used to roam it and read the tombstones and try to figure out how old people were when they died. It helped our math skills!
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