Saturday, July 07, 2007

What a week!

What a week this has been! Monday night, I started having contractions that were pretty intense coming regularly every 5 minutes. They were lasting about 15-20 seconds or so. They were accompanied by cramping and back discomfort. I finally woke up DH around 2:00 and before I knew it, he was up and dressed. I didn't really feel the need to go to the hospital yet, but that didn't matter to him, lol. Basically, we got checked (2cm) 4 different times (UGH) and I got my contractions monitored. They finally spaced out to 10 mins and then quit. I've been doing fine since then, pregnancy wise. This baby is wanting to bake some more. I'm feeling really uncomfortable tonight and have had some intense contractions. Nothing regular, tho.

We had a good fourth spent with our family. I'm posting some pictures from the fourth of my kids at my mom's and dad's.

Thursday night, I had severe pain in my bad tooth. I mean s-e-v-e-r-e. We got an appointment Friday and I got the tooth cleaned out, medicated, etc. I have never been in so much pain. If you have never had tooth/jaw pain, you haven't felt pain as severe as you could feel. I'm better today--on antibiotics and pain meds. I haven't had to even take pain meds today. Weird what a difference a day (and prayer) makes!!

Type more later....


Unknown said...

Girl,I have been wondering about you.I would check out Bebo and then I would come here and see if there was an update.I just knew we had a baby by now.Anyway,I hope she decided to come on for your sake.I know how miserable you are.When I had my last one,girl,I honestly felt like he was coming and was laying there right between my legs.I couldn't even hardly walk.The last Dr's appointment my In laws were down and my dear ole FIL told David to tell them Dr's we wasn't leaving til they sent me to the hospital because my blood pressure was so high and they was already suppose to had put me in if it was high the last time,but they put me on bedrest again so that day,David almost had to get ugly with them and so the midwife was seeing me that day and David said look,yall had already done told us yall were gonna put her in Wednesday and yall said we would have a baby late Wednesday night and so we called family in and after we got to the hospital they sent her home,and you were the one on call so what is the problem,and she said I am so sorry that it happened like that.She said hold on and I will be right back,so she went out and came back in and said I've got her scheduled for her C Section about 6:00pm tonight and this was at 1:00pm so we said are you sure adn she said yes go straigt to the labor and delivery so we went home and we called Mom and Dad and they rushed on to Georgia and they thought they would miss the birth,but I got put on the back burner because I wasn't a Emergency and they had to take the ones more imporatant and in danger first so I WALKED IN THE OR noticed I said I walked,first time ever that I had walked in the operating room,Georgia is so different,I walked in there though at 10:05pm and Momma and Daddy got there and seen us going in the OR so we had him at 10:56pm that night.I ended up staying in the recovery room because my blood pressure was still so high,and they finally let me go to my room several hours later with blood pressure meds.Anyway,what a story.The Dr that was on call was a young good looking Dr and he use to dance and strip in the Gold Club in Atlanta.I about had a cow when the nurse I had before the baby was born told me that.He walked in and said I'm here and I feel like taking the baby,but don't feel like tying your tubes,I sat straight up in my hospital bed and said Oh buddy if you dont you will have my hubby to deal with.LOL!! He said Oh please,I just am too tired to do that too.He was saying that to see how my reactions were.He even ask me after he was born and he was fixing to tie them and I said YES YES YES.No More!!! LOL!!
Well,maybe you will go tonight.Have a great weekend!!!

Love ya,

Pint-Size Princess said...

Bummer you didn't get to have the baby already. All in good time :) I cannot believe how grown up the kids are.

Natural Mama said...

Megan, I haven't seen a new blog on you lately. Worried about you girl! You ok?

I didn't know you had problems with high bp! That isn't something to play with. I've had some swelling, but so far my bp is really low. That is so funny about that dr. He should know better than joke about that...haha.

See you next week at the campmeeting (maybe).