Friday, February 23, 2007

Kindred Spirits

Don't you love it when you find a kindred spirit? Especially someone whom you've known for awhile and find out that they share some of your beliefs and feelings? Today, I got to talk to one of my 'moms' who has 3 boys. I learned that she is strict on her boys (we talked about discipline some and she has the same feelings as I), she breastfed all of her boys (one past 3 yrs), and she stays at home. Not a lot of things to talk about, but I'm finding fewer and fewer moms who actually do all 3 of those things. We gabbed and gabbed and it was awesome to find a kindred spirit. Makes you wonder how many other moms share your views but don't go around expressing their feelings, leaving everyone oblivious to their beliefs (me). This mom let me know that her son (a little over 12 months) had to go with us on the field trip because she doesn't leave him and she still breastfeeds. I was like, "Go, girl". I think the reason I like to get on the internet and be nosy into other people's lives is because I'm looking for a kindred spirit. Now, don't get me wrong, some of my closest friends share my feelings, but it's just nice to find someone new, a surprise, who shares your feelings about things.

To totally change the subject, my eating has been HORRIBLE this week. My poor angel is probably in a sugar coma by now. Girl Scout cookies are the devil. I guess the only good thing is I haven't been eating supper. Which isn't bad if I'm eating something nutritious. I'm going to set small goals for myself next week, one of which is to start walking or riding the stationary bike. Let you know how it goes.

Other small goal, is to try to be a more patient mother, especially with Erin. She is being so stubborn (yet, so cute) lately and my patience has been so thin with her. I'm just going to have to consistently discipline with love until she gets over this stubborn streak. Do it before I get frustrated.

I'm loving, loving the warm, sunny weather. Ahhh, it has been great. God rocks to think of changing the seasons!

Hello, Chiropractor and Happy weekend!