Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Goings on....

Time is mostly too short to get in a good, intelligent blog, so I will just do a quick update of what is going on around me. These will be in a random order as they come to me...
*Oldest son has knocked off two subjects in our countdown for summer vacation. This means less time homeschooling. We are down from about 2 hours to about 1 & 1/2 hours. I can say that truthfully I will be sad to see it come to an end. He will still be doing Math for a ways into the Summer and of course, we will be reading all summer long. I also am nervous about keeping my kids occupied for the summer. I know that is crazy, but I am nuts without some sort of 'game plan' or what they need to do to keep from getting 'idle' minds.
*We have started The Boxcar Children book this week and the kids LOVE it. They begged me to keep reading the first time, so we've read six chapters in 2 days! I highly recommend it!
*Swimming season has officially started as of Saturday. My kids are now transformers--they can change into fish at the first call for a 'swim day'. :) I still haven't gone--I don't want the baby to get hypothermia.
*Speaking of the baby, I still don't have a very active one, but the 2 oldest did get to feel her move yesterday. They were quite excited. I am constantly reminded of the tons of things I need to get done before she arrives in a few months.
*I am doing about 15 minutes of spring cleaning every day. I do this because spending hours per day spring cleaning just isn't doable for me. Today I cleaned behind and under the couch and right now the throw pillow covers and 2 of the actual pillows are in the wash. Too bad I can't throw my whole couch in the wash. Ugh. I desperately need a couch cover! After I get off of the computer I plan to roll up my rug and sweep under it. I also need to check under the couch cushions for missing toys, etc. I also probably will turn the couch pillows on the other side to disguise the stains in the side we currently sit on. My living room isn't too bad, but the other rooms are in desperate need of decluttering/deep cleaning. I have got to keep this up.
*We have planted a pretty big garden this year. Our potatoes are ready for digging and the pole beans and butterbeans have come up. Our tomato plants sort of drowned last week, so I don't know what we'll be doing there. We have cantelope plants that have come up and I also have some sunflowers that are coming up. I went out and hoed some today, but I could only make it for 1 row. Bending over made me feel like I was so full that I was going to throw up. Weird, I know. I hate a weedy garden, though.
*We have a blessed routine that we have been adhering to for about 2 months. It really works for us and I know my kids thrive on a schedule. After school is out, I will be changing it up, some, such as adding more chores for the kids. I'm sure they will love that. Right now my schedule is as follows:
5:00: Get up and have quiet time (sometimes it is wayyy too quiet in I fall asleep..ha)
Sometimes I will go back to bed after my prayers, which I have been doing a lot here lately. Also I pretty much sleep in on Sat and Sun or at least get up later than 5.
After I get up: clean kitchen and cook breakfast (sometimes I do these in reverse, it's according to how hungry my kids are)
Start laundry, including putting away yesterday's laundry or ironing if needed (I only iron husband's in advance)
Make bed and pick up in room
Pick up in kids' room
Kids make bed and pick up (believe me there is plenty for them to pick up even after I finish)
Kids and I pick up in Living room
I pick up in Dining room
Start supper preps (thaw out meat or put something in Crock Pot)
After this we are really flexible, if it is a church night, the kids take naps, if not they will go outside and play for awhile. We are really flexible until supper and then after that it is pretty much the same until bathtime.
Of course, I have certain days where I do certain things regarding cleaning, etc.

Well, that's a wrap for now! What is going on with you? God is so good to us and 'daily loadeth us with benefits'.


Anonymous said...

I am glad you are doing good. I understand that it can be a little time consuming blogging. I always, ALWAYS enjoy visiting your blog. You are so encouraging to me.