Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday's Tip--Laundry

Do you have a laundry schedule? If you have a medium to large family, you may find that you need a schedule to stay on top of the laundry (before it piles on top of you). :o) I consider our family medium-sized and it is so easy for the laundry to get 'piled' up if I don't implement a schedule. Here is my favorite laundry schedule which I have been implementing for about 5 or 6 months now:

Monday: Bedding day--I wash all sheets and pillowcases. Every 4th wash, I will wash my quilts and other blankets we have on our beds. Every 8th wash I will wash my comforter on my bed (it is easy for me to keep up with 8 washes for some crazy reason).

Tuesday: Kids' clothes--I wash Erin's and Evan's clothing together because their clothes are smaller. However, I noticed the past 2 washes how huge the load is, so I may be having to separate their washes into individual washes before long. After their large load, I wash Emory's clothing.

Wednesday: Husbands' clothes--This takes 2 large loads because his clothes are larger than the others'

Thursday: My clothes--still usually takes 2 loads

Friday: Towels/Washcloths--sometimes takes 2 loads, it is according to how many baths we have taken during the week :o) I also do bathroom rugs every other week on this day.

*I wash everything together--I don't separate whites from darks. I rarely ever let my clothes sit in the washer for long periods of time, so the colors don't have a chance to bleed. When I notice my whites getting dingy, I just pick a day to bleach the T-shirts, socks, etc.

*I hang everything out on the line except Towels/washcloths, unless it is cloudy or really humid.

I also use my own homemade laundry detergent and have done so for a year or more. It is really easy to make, super cheap, and is a great detergent. I only have to make it every week and a half or so. Here's how I make it:

Grate 2 bars of Ivory soap ( I use unscented but last time picked up lavendar by mistake--it has added a nice smell to my laundry)

Add 1 cup of Borax (this is in a box found with the laundry detergents)

Add 2 cups of baking soda

Store it in a plastic container (I use a rubber maid brand small container with a lid) and shake until it is evenly dispersed. Now, enjoy the satisfaction you will receive from making your own detergent. No harmful chemicals or irritations for your body.

Once you get into a routine you will enjoy doing laundry!! It can even be therapeutic! :o) Now, if dishes were that way.....

Have a nice Fall evening!


Anonymous said...

I like this idea. I wash pretty much everyday but Thursday. We have a ladies bible study and preschool so it is difficult to get in that day. I like the idea of making it but I just haven't done it.