Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Well, in my hunger for being the wife/mother God wants me to be, I have come across many great books, one of them being, "Passionate Housewives Desperate for God" by Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald. This is a great book that dispels the myths Satan would have women believe about their true role as women.

One thing the book touches on is being transparent (or, the lack of). I had to say "Lord forgive me" because I am so guilty of covering up my weaknesses because of pride. We (I) don't want anyone to think of us (me) as being less than perfect. I think we have society, namely, media to thank for the misconception that most women are and should be, perfect. We should all appear to have it together.

Also, I am guilty in my duties as a wife/mother of trying to achieve perfectionism for reasons other than doing my best for GOD. Of course, I should be doing my best for or because of my family, BUT I should first and foremost be doing my best to fulfill my duties for GOD. There is nothing wrong with 'having it all together'. We should be trying our best to, in fact, 'have it all together'. But if I am doing it for self-gratification instead of servitude then I am wrong. This is pride. I know a lot of women struggle in this area.

I so want to be changed in this area. It may be hard to do overnight, but God can help me. I want to serve my family for the right reasons. Of course, I do it because I love them, but I want any Pride about being Miss Housewife USA to be squashed out. I don't want to fulfill my duties to prove what all I can do as a homemaker or see what kind of great housewife I am (it isn't to be measured anyway--our best and abiding by God's word are what counts) but to serve my husband and children.

So I'm being Transparent. What do you struggle with?

PS. Megan, I have several books if you will tell me what you want to read, I'll ship you one.


Pint-Size Princess said...

Ooh, I'll read that one :) It sounds just like something I need to hear. I know I do things b/c I don't want to look bad, not just to serve. But whatever you have to send, I'll be happy to read ;) I'll e-mail you my addy.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading this now. It is good, but I read Created to be his Help Meet first and it seems like the average person would do well to read the in the reverse order. I read CTBHHM years ago and so PHWDFG is a bit of a repeat and not so intense, but still quite good :)