Saturday, March 01, 2008

Uprdate on our condition(s)

Well, around Monday afternoon, I started getting my REAL baby back! Every day he gets better and better. It makes me realize just how sick he really was. We are still having some issues that have arrived from us holding him so much while he was sick. Spoiled, to be specific! :oP I'm working on that, though!

Erin is the last one to get sick. I believe she has the flu also, or at least a touch of it. She started Tuesday night with fever. Today is Saturday and she ran fever all morning. She is still snotting majorly and is not her self. I hope by Monday or Tuesday she will be back to her old self.

Thursday I ended up staying home with the kids. After seeing how idle my kids really are (lying around on the couch) and how this was getting them in to trouble, I decided to implement my schedule that I've made for when I'm a SAHM. It was met with great resistance as I had figured. I explained the schedule and told them I wanted them to go play in their zones while I did my chores. I put Emory in the Block zone and Erin in the Animal zone. She preceded to play with her animals so sweetly. Emory, however (5 yr old) preceded to whine and protest. So, after a few disciplining sessions, he at least sat down by the blocks, but never really played with them. We did our devotions after eating breakfast. Emory did his table chores (that I introduced) and Erin wiped off the table and 'helped' me with dishes. This sort of got better, but it was so not a smooth day that I invision! I invision a day where the kids just follow the schedule and do things without whine and protest. I know it will take a few days of getting used to the schedule and perhaps lots of disciplining, but I have faith that keeping their little minds occupied is the key to their success. It is so true that, "An idle mind is the devil's workshop". I see it so much with my kids. We never got to the homeschool part of our day. :/ At least they have a taste of what things will be like this summer. I'm still excited and haven't lost heart!

Enjoying my Saturday! Off to get busy, busy, busy!