Friday, July 13, 2007

This baby WILL come!

I had my 38 wk checkup today and basically, not much has changed. I have now gained 30 lbs, I'm still 2 cm, cervix is still thick, baby is 'made' (as the dr. put it). I take it that he means I'm measuring 40 wks now. He sat me up for an induction for next Wed, but I'm more than likely going to cancel it. He told me I could, but that it was best to schedule and cancel than to decide to schedule at the last minute. He is going to Washington next weekend, too, so I guess he had that in mind. I really, really want this baby to come on its own. I would like a Pitocin-free birth, if possible.

Even though I didn't show much progress today, I feel so close. I'm so achy tonight and just feel it won't be long. If I could get my cervix thinned, I'm sure things would move along much faster. I think I might have a 9 pounder or so. Especially if I go until my due date. I read on a website yesterday that after 38 wks, the baby gains an ounce a day! Wow.

I did walk some today in the mall (got to spend some time with my dear friend, Tina) and then walked a mile tonight in the gym. I will probably be sore and achy tomorrow from walking with this big head pressing on my pelvic bone! I'm going to start taking a few bags of red raspberry tea tomorrow and see what that does.

My mood is better. After mom came and cleaned for me, it helped so much. You know I'm so weird about if my house is not cleaned and straightened, I can't function. Esp when I think, what if I go into labor and leave my house like this? The kids have played good this latter part of the week. They love to run, play, and laugh but it scares me silly that one of them is going to get hurt. It usually does happen. Yesterday, Erin would play for 45 mins at the time with the lincoln log blocks. Emory does that anyway, but I'm noticing how Erin is beginning to play for a long period of time. And here comes a newborn. LOL

I finally got up the nerve to mention my girl name to my Dh (I'm not scared of him, just scared of having to come up with another name) and he said ok! So, that is set. I guess he is set on the boy name. We haven't talked about it for months.

God is good and his blessings just floor me sometimes. I want more of him in my life. I don't deserve him, that's for sure. He's so good to me and my family.

Good night!


Pint-Size Princess said...

EPO will help soften your cervix if you're not doing that already. You can take some orally and insert one at night, potting it right near yor cervix. RRL will tone your uterus muscles, making labor more effective once it starts, but won't put you into labor. That baby will come when it's ready, no need to evict ;) The sure thing that sent me into labor was making plans for things I had putting off until "after th baby came" I told ds we would start on his gingerbread train (a week long project) and decided to start some sourdough, which would need regular feedings. I went into labor that night, lol.

MameyJane said...

Woa! Belly poking out muy mucho!! I see the lawn mower didn't help any. Bummer. You still look beautiful, dear. Love you!